9 tasks which decision will bring you an international recognition and huge wealth

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For the last half a century the population of Earth increased more than twice, so, and requirements of mankind grew: we catastrophically do not have drinking water, and the problem of transmission of energy becomes all more sharply. Therefore our planet simply needs the geniuses, capable to invent technologies which will solve global problems and will bring benefit to all people. And their founders will receive the world glory and wealth.

of AdMe.ru will tell you about the main and paramount tasks over which decision the greatest minds of mankind will work in the next years.

Desalting of sea vody

On to data of United Nations , by 2050 about a quarter of the population of a planet will suffer from a constant or temporary shortage of drinking water. And meanwhile 70% of a surface of the globe are occupied by oceanic and sea water which is unfortunately non drinkable because of high salinity. Certainly, desalination installations are invented long ago and actively are under construction, however costs of desalting are very high therefore the one who will think up a fast and cheap way of transformation of sea water in drinking, by all means becomes a millionaire.

the Wireless energii

Experiments on wireless transmission of energy Nicolas Tesla at the end of the XIX century started making

, and in 1975 the American scientists managed to give without wires some tens kilowatts, however, from 60%-y loss.

the Induction chargers, allowing to charge phone without wires, already exist. However they have two essential minuses: high price and small radius of action. Therefore at present to speak about any developed technologies wireless transfer if it is a question of large volumes of energy, it is not necessary.

the Press of human bodies on printere

the Human ear printed on 3D - the bioprinter.

Strictly speaking, teleportation (at least something similar) already exists. In 2014 the German scientists created the device on the basis of 3D - the printer under the name "Scotty" — it scans object, transfers data on it to other device which, in turn, recreates it. However there is also a problem: in the course of scanning the subject collapses and consequently, conditions categorically are not suitable for teleportation of the person.

Besides, to work with

"Scotty" while can only with plastic objects of black color — it is necessary in order that the chamber of the reader distinguished it as it is possible better. In a word, founders of a teleport are faced by very hard task.

Superlight dvigateli

According to the special theory of relativity material objects cannot reach or exceed velocity of light. Because of small speeds of our ships we also will not be able to reach even the closest star of Proxima of the Centaur located in 4,22 light years from us — flight on the fastest rocket "Saturn-5" which speed reached 64 500 km/h, would take about 70 000 years.

However the same theory of relativity leaves by

to us two options of round of a ban on superlight speed: wormholes and space curvature. On technologies space curvatures the so-called varp-engine which will create the certain "bubble", allowing to be carried by through space at the speeds several times exceeding the light round the motionless ship also can be based. By the way, works over engine creation already began. Join.

of Travel to vremeni

the Solution of a problem of creation of a time machine lies approximately in the same plane, as the invention of the superlight engine — at least one of theories on the basis of which it is possible to construct this dream of all mankind, consists in a space curvature. Other theory means the same wormholes — the certain tunnels connecting two points removed from each other of space.

A here great Stephen Hawking in the book "Space Time Future" proved that the exotic matter is necessary for creation of a time machine . Tipler's cylinder — theoretical "subject" with the bent surface, rotating in space gives one more possibility of return to the past. According to the theory, the traveler in time will have to round several times it, and then will return to Earth, only in the past. In a word, theories weight — choose any and act.

the Tablet from vsego

Despite development medical technologies, the mankind not only did not get rid of many diseases, but also constantly "gets" the new. The tablet which could diagnose independently a disease and cures it, would bring to founders at least the Nobel Prize.

By the way, recent researches of scientists showed that the plant known as a shlemnik Baikal, contains so-called flavony, capable to kill cancer cells, without mentioning healthy, also they help at liver diseases. In a word, the foundation is laid.

the Device for reading mysley

the Bionic artificial limb controlled by a brain.

Modern bionic artificial limbs can call

Theoretically approximately the same way has to be used by

and for a thought-reading. However right there is an array of problems, for example: impossibility to be connected to a set of processes which go to the most difficult Neural networks in the world — a brain and the principle of formation of thought is still up to the end not clear. Perhaps, it is necessary to begin with brain studying. Simply, isn't that so?


the biggest problem connected with data storage — is impossibility 100% guaranteed protection. Any password can be cracked, a question only in time and desire and consequently, nobody can be sure that its information does not become property of the public. Fingerprints, access according to the photo or on an eye raduzhka — ways too not irreproachable.

there are codes, to crack which it is almost impossible, for example Vernam's code . Here only trouble that it is not cracked until it is transferred to digital space. Therefore the main objective of the one who will undertake to solve a problem of theft of data — to think up how to transfer that already is available "on paper" to a cyberspace.

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