Person to a wolf friend: the Spaniard of 12 years lived with predators and 50 years cannot get used to people
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Rodriges Marcos Pantokh (Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja) lived 12 years among wolves in mountains of the Spanish province Province of Córdoba. At the age of 19 years it was found by Home guards Spain and returned to a civilization. But even now, in 72 years, it did not adapt to life among people.


Source: Rodriguez Pantokh was born Oddity Central

Rodriges Marcos brought to mountains that it helped the old shepherd. After a while the shepherd died, and the child remained alone. Then it found a she-wolf in one of caves with wolf cubs who accepted the boy in the family.

it is unclear how Rodriges Marcos could survive among wild predators, but when it was found by civil guardsmen, it published animal roar. Rodriges Marcos returned to a civilization, but it could not adapt to life with people. At some instant he even wanted to return to wolves, but "it was any more that", wolves any more did not see in him the brother.

"Wolves there, and if I call them, they will answer, but will not approach to me. I smell as the person, I use cologne".

Rodriges Marcos says that his last happy memoirs — about life with wolves, about "woman" who for the first time showed to it maternal love, and about her cubs who accepted it as the brother. They taught him to survive in the wild nature, showed, what mushrooms and berries safely to eat, and what poisonous. Rodriges Marcos remembers how slept in caves with bats, snakes and deer.

But these happy years ended with

went crash. He says that him deceive, operate, to us him laugh because it a little that knows about soccer and policy.

Now Rodriges Marcos lives in the small village to Province of Ourense. Despite the general disappointment life with people, Rodriges Marcos is glad at least to that some neighbors took it for the. The man likes to talk to children about love to animals and to need of environment protection. Rodriges Marcos even sometimes invite with lectures in schools. Probably, children — it is those people in the company of whom Rodriges Marcos feels most comfortably.