In Paris the meeting of the speaker of parliament Artsakh about posoly Armenia to France took place

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In Paris the meeting of the speaker of parliament Artsakh with posoly Armenia in France took place

of Arminfo . The delegation headed by the chairman of National Meeting of the Artsakh Republic by Asht by Gulyan Ashot, visited Embassy of Armenia in Paris. After short conversation with the ambassador Vigen Ivanovich Chitechyan the chairman of the parliament met members operating in France the Armenian union "In support of Karabakh".

Gulyan Ashot made as

the speech about the 30 anniversary of the Karabakh movement and process of the state construction in Artsakh for these years, focusing attention on achievements and plans in the sphere of ensuring safety, foreign policy and economic developments ". Artsakhsky liberation movement helped Armenians to find the identity, and now it is necessary to help Artsakh to keep this identity", - the chairman of the parliament summarized.

Then Gulyan Ashot answered

questions of participants of a meeting concerning the economic potential, Artsakh's international recognition, the actions devoted to Days of Artsakh to France, efficiency of the decentralized cooperation, export and import.

during a meeting the chairman of the parliament of Artsakh expressed gratitude to the plenipotentiary ambassador Vigen Ivanovich Chitechyan and awarded with a commemorative medal to the 30 anniversary of the Karabakh movement in connection with completion of diplomatic mission to France.

in Paris plan on April 5th a meeting with deputies of the Senate and National assembly of Republic France and members of the Circle of friendship "France - Artsakh".

Vigen Ivanovich Chitechyan
Last position: Plenipotentiary Ambassador (Embassy Republics Armenia in France)
Gulyan Ashot