Kursk dinamovka left in the Premier league semi-final

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Kursk dinamovka left in the Premier league semi-final
of the Photo: Kursk

Kursk basketball "Dynamo" with little effort passed BQ of "Dynamo" in the Premier league semi-final, having twice beaten the MBA Moscow club. The second match took place the day before in SKK - "Dynamo" (Kursk) – MBA (Moscow) 84:60 (23:23, 22:8, 17:12, 22:17). The account in a series 2:0.

there Began a match Vadeeva Maria, Zhedik Natalia, Kruz  Anna, Nneka Ogvumike and Endzhel Makkotri . Vadeeva Maria laid the foundation, and here serious continuation, except for 2 points Zhedik Natalia, it did not turn out. Muscovites Leshkovtseva and Glonti for two gathered 13 points, and MBA led 13:7. Dinamo "three" Kirillova Alena . The mentor of the white-blue took "minute on reflection". The team listened to it and gave out 6:0 at two big - Vidmer-Siak Helena and two playing – Levchenko Xenia - Kruz  Anna. The same Glonti snapped the three-point. And then time Siak Helena came.

the Frenchwoman at first realized an average throw, and then after some doubts put a ball because of an arch. In one and a half minutes prior to a break it removed again "Dynamo" forward - 21:19. And nevertheless the period came to the end with a fighting draw – 23:23. As "additive" with a siren from the Muscovite Plisova Anastasiya was impossible by the way.

- the good spirit was today in attack, - the mentor of "Dynamo" Mondelo Lucas considers. – But in the first period could not understand protection. In the second – adjusted control in protection and game went normally.

the first three minutes of the second quarter on a parquet the hostesses who have won this piece 12:2 dominated. Seven points on Nneki Ogvumike's account. Vice, both protective, and attacking, white-blue did not weaken and was rewarded. In 10 minutes guests managed to gather only 8 points, while dinamovka 22. In the first half they realized 11 average throws (11 of 24) and 6 distant (6 of 12) - 45:31. The only thing, Zhedik Natalia, looking after Sapova Ludmila , managed to pick up 3 personal remarks.

It is remarkable that the beginning of the third period of a dinamovka spent as under a carbon paper with the similar period of the second quarter – 13:2. "Three" noted Logunova Anastasiya, on two points wrote down in Ogvumike's asset, Vadeeva Maria and Siak Helena, four – Kirillova Alena. Players of MBA in attack frankly "smeared". Round they were brought by a timeout after which Muscovites started getting, including because of an arch. And here at hostesses as "cut off". More than three minutes the ball released hands of white-blue, in a ring did not go. Siak Helena interrupted this "trouble" only only a few seconds prior to the third break – 62:43. As Mondelo Lucas admitted to

, in the fourth quarter his team tried new tactics game. Sometimes it turned out not bad. Advantage reached 23 points. However, Zhedik Natalia after all examined a match from a bench, having received five fouls is closer to the middle of the period and at the same time so without having allowed Sapova Ludmila never to cause a stir in its 23 minutes. The total account - 84:60 in our advantage. Could be three points more, but judges, having looked at repetition, cancelled exact trekhchkovy Levchenko Xenia, thrown as it became clear, after a final siren.

In a semi-final of "Dynamo" will battle to the old acquaintance - Orenburg "Hope". The first match will pass on April 10 in Kursk.

Maria Vadeeva
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (ASSOCIATION "BQ "MANAGEMENT MACHINE-BUILDING MINING COMPANY")
Natalia Zhedik
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (OOOO "BQ "NADEZHDA")
Nnemkadi Chinve Victoria Ogvumike (Nneka Ogvumike)
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (BQ "Los Angeles Sparks")