Kursk combatants get additional support

@TRK "Sejm"
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Voluntary guards. In the region more than 3 thousand people consist in the ranks of national teams. They together with PPS patrol streets, help district police officers, protect residents of Kursk during mass actions. At a seminar in House of Soviets spoke about achievements and problems. They are. First of all experts are disturbed by cases when work of DND treat formally.

To Kursk region 314 national teams. With their participation it was succeeded to solve nearly 150 crimes. The number of the administrative reports made thanks to joint actions of police officers and volunteers increased also. Nevertheless in Ministries of Internal Affairs are sure: results can be better. The exchange of experience is for this purpose adjusted, competitions are held.

Rastorguev Andrey, head of department of the organization of providing a public order of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Kursk region: "Last year such competition took place in November. Winners at us recognized teams from Kurchatov, Zheleznogorsk, the best combatants to whom following the results of this analysis monetary awards were handed over were defined. These are 25 thousand to the best combatant Kursk region, 15, 10 thousand".

the Important question — support of combatants. Protection of an order is conducted on a voluntary basis, so, work is not paid.

Yermenchuk Alexander, chairman of Administrative and Legal Committee of administration of the Kursk region: "In Zheleznogorsk provide the right of free visit of the fitness centers. In addition, in a number of municipalities and the enterprises provide additional days to holiday, somewhere tax privileges".

there are also other measures of support. For example, payments in case of infliction of harm to health at protection of a public order. This norm is consolidated by the regional legislation.

Stepanenko Taras