"Why they made it? ! " Revival history "Prostokvashino" and five more Soviet animated films

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: video hosting services "YouTube"
the First series new "Prostokvashino" in days were looked by more than 10 million Russians. While it is more than negative responses. However, practically all continuations of the Soviet animated films first caused a negative in the audience. We collected the most known remakes and sequels and responses on them.


the Yesterday's premiere — at all the first remake classical "Three from Prostokvashino", removed in far 1978

In 2010 of heroes already restored

to life — to screens there was a 13-minute animated film "Spring to Prostokvashino". Then, unlike a present premiere, as the screenwriter Uspensky Edouard acted, and roles sounded the same, fallen in love according to the first animated film, actors — Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, Talyzina Vera, Novikov Boris, Durov Leo …

However neither great popularity, nor positive responses this series did not cause. Voices of pros and cons" were divided approximately equally: so, the series placed on one of channels in video hosting services "YouTube", on 8,4 thousand laykov gained 4,7 thousand dislaykov.

the Audience "Spring to Prostokvashino" noted poor quality of posing, a large number of advertizing and "turned on business" a plot.

Here some responses of users of video hosting services "YouTube" about this animated film (we chose the softest).

Orlov Mikhail:


— Looked 5 minutes and will suffice. Advertizing from the 90th reminds. Why it was to remove? 

Evgenia Kot:

— I here do not understand a half of words (me 12), and children who will watch it, will understand something? I think, hardly. 

Marianna Shmidta


— Old animated cartoons where were better drawn. Was somehow warmer and kinder to Prostokvashino.

However, there are also good responses.

Eris, user of a site "Otzovik":

— Mult is executed on conscience, without hack-work. Founders of the movie tried to make heroes the most similar to their predecessors. And they are certainly charming and nice. All this so, if not nobility of their former. Such the impression was made that they from all pretend to be, try to be similar on themselves such with what we fell in love with them. Any false note a cracked dissonance slips from time to time, very much to advertizing brushes away all animated film. But I will finish after all on a positive note. Jokes and humour are observed in a due size, is over what to smile. Characters bright, cheerful.

As for "New Prostokvashino" while the main claims to authors concern a postscoring, a large number of gadgets in a shot and series lengths — according to the audience, it too short.

: The screen of a post of official group "Soyuzmultfilm" in social network "VKontakte"

In official group of "Soyuzmultfilm" in a social network of social network "VKontakte" a post in which a series was presented yesterday, was commented by more than 2,5 thousand users. One of comments took over 800 laykov: the majority agreed with such words: "Where the plot so quickly flies? You do not manage to take pleasure in familiar characters in one scene as them with an incredible speed throws in other place of events. Why was to do so? "

Also the audience notes indistinctness of a plot, but writes off it for an initial series, hoping that further the plot will be developed. Let's remind, 30 series "New Prostokvashino" are going to finish shooting all.

By the way, the author of heroes — the writer Uspensky Edouard — intends to give to

to court on founders "New Prostokvashino" for violation of copyright. Earlier Uspensky Edouard forbade "Soyuzmultfilm" to use the characters created by it.

"New Bremen"

"Prostokvashino" — it is far not the first Soviet animated cartoon for which removed continuation.

One more favourite heroes of those to whom now "for/under 40" — the Troubadour with his Princess and companies cheerful musicians: Donkey, the Dog, the Rooster and Kot — appeared for the audience in a new image in 2000 (the first two animated films, "The Bremen musicians" and "In the wake of the Bremen musicians", came out in 1969 and 1973 according to). Action of this picture is developed in 30 years after events of the first animated films. The main character — the son Trubadura and Princesses, for the time being nothing knowing about the high origin. Adventures are under construction round a rock'n'roll, robbers and applicants for a throne.

the Feature animation film (it goes nearly an hour — 56 minutes) were done by really star team. Screenwriters of steel Livanov Vasilii and Entin Youri, music, as well as to the first two animated films, wrote Gladkov Gennady. Sounded a musical animated cartoon Philipp Bedrosovich Kirkorov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Babkina Nadezhda, Mazaev Sergei, Penkin Sergei …

But despite stardom and the decent budget, the picture could not win hearts of the audience: on "Kinopoisk" "New Bremen" gained less than 5 points from 10 — a rating of the animated film 4,178 (2666 viewers voted).

Adults first of all were perplexed concerning an image in which the Ataman appeared.


, user of a site "Otzovik" (spelling of the author):

— I in indignation. Terribly to look. The immoral animated film with frank platitude. At me slightly eyes on a forehead did not get when I saw the Ataman — the man any drew. And then in general atas that it starts getting up: dances a striptease! Undresses to stockings, pants and a brassiere which I do not know that hides. How such it can be designed for children and what directors expect to receive from future generation? When the detective sings "Who pays more — I serve that". Here what education modern animated films give. In general it is disgusting all characters are drawn. Mow under Americans — dressed up a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster in unclear cloaks. Disgusting animated film. Everything is very sad. "At all do not show to the child" — the author of a response gives to this animated film such recommendation.

"Birthday Selezneva Alisa"

"Secret of the third planet" — this animated film was the most beloved at million Soviet children. First, because the almost full-length — it went 48 minutes, unlike the majority of other animated cartoons which were seldom exceeding of 15-17 minutes. Secondly, genre: in the 70-80th the fantasy was on take-off, there were numerous almanacs and series of books of foreign and Soviet fantasts. Works Bulycheva Kira, on one of which shot the animated film, enjoyed popularity. "The secret of the third planet", left in 1981, was approved both parents, and children. The fact of that the 8-year-old girl can make space travel, heated soul her to contemporaries. Thirdly, plot: here to you and space. both pirates, and brave captains, and robots. Well and certainly — Gromozeka! The Shestiruky archeologist of unknown race caused delight of all watching an animated cartoon.

In 2009 left the new animation screen version of work Bulycheva Kira. This time Selezneva Alisa" shot the animated film according to the story of the author of the same name "Birthday.

Images of heroes were in many respects taken

from "Secret of the third planet".

: Shots from animated films about Selezneva Alisa

If Selezneva Alisa and her father in new posing were similar to characters of the Soviet animated film, lovely kind Gromozeke was lucky less. It, for example, lost couple of hands and sharp eyes with which it was so easy to count quantity of drops of a valerian in a shot glass.

"Birthday Selezneva Alisa" received quite good estimates — both the audience, and critics. The movie rating on "Kinopoisk" comes nearer to 6 points (5.779 by estimates of 1268 viewers). Noted dynamic, though difficult, a plot, emotionality of a picture, and also that the animated film was drawn manually — a rarity at present. However quality of this portrayal and its general stylistics just also caused the greatest complaints.


, user of a site "Otzovik":

— I was in full confidence that "Birthday Selezneva Alisa" are something similar to "Secret of the third planet". But it appeared not so. The drawn pictures and images cardinally differ from "classical" art animation habitual to us. At all I do not know how to explain it … All any primitive, not the art. Appearance of people simplified, almost schematical, unnatural. And all pictures are made in the same spirit. … I got used to beautiful, and "Birthday Selezneva Alisa" nothing remarkable, though the drawn movie.

However the author of a response emphasizes that it "personal impressions" and they do not coincide with opinion of children. "From the first viewing the animated film became at them darling, on an equal basis with "Secret of the third planet". "Selezneva Alisa" they are ready to watch birthday every day, sometimes the beginning, and when there is no time for full viewing, and from the middle. Therefore the animated cartoon will be recommended by me as it very much is pleasant to my children" — the author so finishes the response.

Kot Leopold

"Kot Leopold's new adventures" — one more continuation of a series of the Soviet animated cartoons. New series (all them 13) came out on January 1, 2016. Continuation was dated for the 75 anniversary of the production director of former animated films — Reznikov Anatoly. Owners of new series — the Italian company Mondo TV Studios (Italy) and "The Russian mobile television".

These series the audience apprehended

quite favourably. Certainly, without criticism did not do. But it as it is strange, generally to a plot belongs. In new "Leopold", as well as in the animated films released JSC "Art association "Ekran" in 1975-1987, harmful mice get a kind and forgiving cat. It, according to parents — the main lack of series.

Response of the anonymous user of a site "Otzovik":

— In new adventures of a cat of Leopold mice, and all series still soil. For what it is shown? What do children and to that they study see? I was shocked from seen when mice wanted to flood the house of a cat. And how then to leave children of one? Mice after all do not bear punishment, to them everything escapes punishment as a cat kind, I think, as children can note such behavior that mother everything will forgive. thus the author of a response notes that animation in principle quite good, heroes are very similar that in the Soviet animated cartoon.

of Wait a moment

Found new life and heroes, perhaps, the most popular Soviet cartoon serial — "Wait a moment! ".

However, a wolf and a hare, it is possible to tell, it is regular "restored to life". For the first time the director Kotenochkin Vyacheslav declared the series termination after death Papanov Anatoly, sounding wolf. By then 16 series were removed.

However after at studio records of a voice found Papanov Anatoly and fragments of a postscoring of the previous series, not entered a final version, "Soyuzmultfilm" finished shooting two more series. the 18th series of the animated film left in 1992 after that there came a long break — till 2015. when Company "Agrotorg", owning retail network "Pyaterochka", redeemed from screenwriters of the animated film "Wait a moment! " rights for characters.

some more series removed by the son of Kotenochkin Vyacheslav – Alexey appeared

After that. Kurlyandsky Alexander, one of coauthors "Wait a moment became the scriptwriter! ". Wolf in new release the known satirist-parodist Khristenko Igor sounded, the Hare — the actress Zvereva Olga.

"The old version was much better than


the Cheburashka and Gladkov Gennady

Grant, the most successful example of modern interpretation of the Soviet classics. And our animators removed continuation at all. New series are released by Japanese.

For the first time the Russian Cheburashka to Japan saw at the beginning of "zero", and this hero was fallen in love at once to inhabitants of the country of the Rising sun — it was such "nyashny" and "kavayny" that won the hearts of Japanese.

When Japanese understood that it is not necessary to wait for continuation of the animated films shot nearly 40 years ago, they decided to make the Cheburashka. Animated films were shot by the director Nakamura Makoto. Japanese tried to copy most precisely our doll heroes. And at them it turned out.

Nakamura Makoto, director:

— Me the opinion of the Russian audience on my animated film was important to learn

. And reaction of the audience was pleasant to me: children laughed — it is the best assessment of my work.

the Russian audience really remained happy new, "Japanese", series. But some faults found and of them.


, user of a site "Otzovik":

— the Japanese Cheburashka turned out very much even lovely and nice, kind and naive. But as it seemed to me, our Cheburashka nevertheless is kinder. Our animated cartoon more instructive, funny, and Japanese more likely entertaining, than bearing educational function.


, user of a site "Otzovik":

— At each picture can find faults. And if to look for them and to carp, it is possible to find and here. Well for example, Shapoklyak acts up, but any more so. Changed plates in a zoo, and all look at animals and do not understand why one is written, and in the open-air cage other animal. And all trust written on the plate. Here search, not same we silly not to know how the lion looks, a giraffe, a crocodile. But it everything so kindly that it is possible and to close eyes to it. Certainly, I recommend this animated cartoon to look all. Especially now, during an era when it is fashionable to watch 3D pictures. I did not see for a long time such kind multika.

Philipp Bedrosovich Kirkorov
Last position: Singer, musical producer, composer
Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov
Main activity:Official
Gennady Gladkov
Last position: Composer, teacher
Mikhail Boyarsky
Last position: Actor
Nadezhda Babkina
Last position: Director, artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Mgmtf "Russkaya pesnya")
Company "Agrotorg"