April meeting of Council of deputies Kirovsky district LO

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in the Small Hall of administration Kirovsky district LO took place on April 4 the next meeting of regional council of deputies under the chairmanship of the head of the Kirovsky municipal district Leningrad region Ibragimov Yunus Sultanovich.

his deputies, heads of structural divisions of administration, the Kirov city prosecutor Krushinsky Igor Borisovich , the chief of OMVD Russian Federation on Kirovsky district LO Ivanov Dimitri Borisovich and others the head of regional administration Vitko Andrey Petrovich .

the First on the agenda considered a question of the early termination of powers of the deputy Sovet Deputatov derevnya Kirovo municipal area the third convocation Mikhail Lagutenkov which ahead of schedule stopped on March 21 powers of head of MO "City of Otradnoye" in connection with resignation at own will.

Unanimously deputies of the area accepted the changes made to the decision of Council of deputies about budget of Kirovsky district by LO for 2018 and on planned 2019 and 2020. The report the head of department presented internal municipal financial controls committee of finance, to the deputy. chairman of committee of finance Bryukhova Helena .

the Head of department on interaction with public authorities and local government Zelentsova Helena proposed adoption of the summary text of changes in the draft of the regional charter of the area and adoption of the charter Kirovsky district LO.

Also deputies unanimously supported the proposal of the head of the area on the petition before the governor of LO about assignment to the settlement of Sinyavino of an honorary title Leningrad region "The settlement of military valor".

Besides, on the agenda considered questions of the adoption of Situation of the commission on establishment of an experience of municipal service and surcharge to pensions at the head of the Kirovsky municipal district of LO, about entering of additions into the List of municipal property, privatizeable and other.
the Following meeting Sovet Deputatov derevnya Kirovo municipal area are appointed by br to May 16.

Press service of the Kirovsky municipal district Leningrad region