Turkish gambit: "Akkaya" on the Mediterranean Sea

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Construction of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" Ivan Shilov © information agency "REGNUM"

Turkish gambit:
Shilov Yvan

on March 28, 2018 the prime minister Turkey Binali Yıldırım at meeting of parliament declared that next week Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdogan will participate in a ceremony of a laying of the base of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu", than confirmed the message of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlyut Chavushoglu. In the same day, on March 28, Rosatom chapter State corporation "Rosatom" Alexey Likhachev declared Alexei Likhachev all documents necessary for obtaining the full license for construction of the nuclear power plant. The license will allow to start full-scale construction of all constructions entering a complex of this four-block station.

We already acquainted you, dear readers, with features of contracts about nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" construction — the station first in the world nuclear project which will be under construction by the principle of "build — own — operate", "a system — own — operate".

Since August of last year in the project occurred many events which were quite widely shined with federal mass media, and the forthcoming visit Vladimir Putin to Turkey — an excellent opportunity to sum up the preliminary results.

Rhythms of nuclear construction

Taking into account that total amount contracts on construction "Akkaya" about 20 billion dollars, were obvious that coordination of the joint-stock agreement will demand long negotiations to consider interests of all characters. to State corporation "Rosatom" not to occupy such experience, and the Russian experts perfectly understood that for performance of contractual terms it is necessary to hold quickly tenders on the equipment of a long cycle of production. Huge, multiton designs of which quality in nuclear power the great demands are made, are made by time within several years therefore it was required not to hurry, but to make haste.

Complexity of the equipment does not allow to accelerate terms of its production, besides, the equipment has to arrive to a building site while to builders already will be, where it to mount. Huge building demands careful coordination of a rhythm of works of all its participants — only in this case there will be no failures and a disorder. Very much it would not be desirable that this rhythm was broken — mistakes can easily result in difficulties with obtaining new orders as it happened at other participants of "the big nuclear three".

In December representatives of agency on atomic energy Turkey (TAEK) graduated from inspection of the Volgodonsk and Petrozavodsk branches "Atomenergomash", having convinced that plants are capable to cope with production of cases of reactors and nuclear steam-generating installations successfully. Inspection, having finished the work, left, and specialists of the enterprises got down to work which for them begins about careful entrance controls all details of the equipment — only after that they will start machining of all accessories. "Akkaya Nuklear" conducts organizational work without stops, bringing into full accord schedule diagrams of all suppliers of the equipment — it has to arrive to a building site in strictly certain order, there has to be time stock for carrying out all checks and rechecks without which it is impossible to achieve the highest level of safety reactor installations of generation of III%2B.

the Nuclear Mediterranean

Not a secret that nuclear power for many and many the phenomenon mysterious — after all is enough to skip physics and mathematics lessons, and then world around at school becomes filled secrets and by miracles. The grants, Turkey too try to fulfill the anti-nuclear and ecological organizations of all shades is exposed to attacks of public of this sort and we to Russian Federation have enough those who sets as the purpose regular efforts on inflating of anti-nuclear hysteria.

the East, as we know — business thin, and subtleties suffice even in a pronunciation and the translation. We got used to call future first Turkish nuclear power plant "Akkuyu", but it more likely the colloquial option, the full pronunciation of the Turkish word Akkuyu in Russian sounds as "Akkuyyu" with an accent on a final syllable. This word as "a white well" — probably is translated, in age-old times was available here such, but now it remained only as reminiscence. The platform on lands of the settlement of Buyukedzheli on the area coast Gyulnar of area Mersin is located, and there was it very long time ago — Akkaya was licensed under nuclear power plant construction in 1976. But for all these years the only change which was seen here by locals — a fence round 14 thousand hectares of the earth on the coast morya.

Protests of ecologists, financial and political problems — years went, and business stood still. The platform was on balance of Companies on development of the electric power Turkey which even began mooring construction in a bay and did not finish. And the pier is necessary — the nearest railway station almost in 200 km from here, in regional Mersin in which is also one of the largest in Turkey ports.

K in Buyukedzheli still had 2010 couple of thousands inhabitants which only occupation there was an agriculture and it especially did not go, as places here the very droughty. Representatives Greenpeace and after 2010 when the intergovernmental agreement on nuclear power plant construction was signed, tried to assure that local unanimously against station, but out of sight of their television cameras life went absolutely differently. In February 2011 kaymakamlyk (executive authority) of Buyukedzheli at own expense organized the first courses of Russian, in March courses and in the district, in Gyulnare opened. For the city with 50 thousand of population of 200 places in five groups — not and there is a lot of, but with teachers here while it is difficult, and from wishing to master bases of language of a release is not present. Locals perfectly understand that the nuclear power plant will provide not less than 6000 workplaces that will appear here and residential quarters for the personnel — "big life" will come to Akkaya so to find wishing to participate in anti-nuclear meetings to grinpisovets everything it becomes heavier.

State corporation "Rosatom" prepares shots


Point 5 of article No. 6 of the intergovernmental agreement speaks:

"The parties agree that citizens Turkey are trained and widely are attracted for nuclear power plant operation. Such training includes, but creation of the full-scale exercise machine on a nuclear power plant platform" is not limited to it.

on March 13 this year in Obninsk at Institute of nuclear power (IATE) at MEPhI the first 35 Turkish experts gained diplomas about the highest education — six and a half years of training behind shoulders. The deputy minister of Energy who was present at a ceremony in the performance declared Turkey "the Russian education in the field of nuclear power is demanded by

. And it is very symbolical that the first Turkish nuclear scientists gained the knowledge in the city where the first-ever nuclear power plant was constructed in due time. Now our young specialists will take part in construction of the first in Turkey the nuclear power plant. And that they became graduates, is a considerable step to implementation of the project of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu".

Graduates not really long suffered with job search. On March 14 to IATE there arrived small delegation as a part of only four people — director general JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "REIN" (the owner of 100% of actions of JSC Akkuyu Nuklear) Zoteeva Anastasiya, her deputy Dedusenko Anton, the executive director "Akkaya Nuklear", Ryzhak Konstantin and the director "Akkaya Nuklear" on the personnel Karaseva Marina. For 35 graduates there were 35 vacancies in staff "Akkaya Nuklear", all graduates in the nearest future will start to rabote.

This baby really expect on a building site already for the reason that they know now Russian perfectly — they after all not only in educational audiences spent all these years, there were also training on our operating nuclear power plants. Large-scale all-construction works should be conducted and to the Turkish contract organizations so 35 additional "translators" of drawings moreover and perfectly understanding, which equipment in what "the concrete box" should mount, will have more than ever by the way. Their emergence to Akkaya "will kill" one of legends of professional "protestovalshchik" against station: "If Russians also give us here work, only loaders and cleaners".

the Russian higher education institutions continue to train for

"ambassadors" of the Russian science and technologies. The technological Russian school will grow Turkey, but it is impossible after all to exclude and that there will be among the Turkish students children who will fill up over time also states of our scientific research institutes, design offices. The nuclear project grows and spreads, it will develop as early as more many years, and the first graduates with the highest education from Turkey — it only began ways. Such approach to training of specialists — the most correct, quite recently all of us saw, improbable the situation can become what in case not to pay the closest attention to this question.

on March 22 information agency "Reuters" reported that in United Arab Emirates in the presence of the crown prince and the president South Korea the ceremony in honor of completion of construction of the first block of the nuclear power plant of "Barrack" took place. Constructed, a ceremony and a photoshoot with VIP-persons held, and commissioning transferred on … 2019. Federal management on nuclear regulation of United Arab Emirates refused to provide the license for operation as 1800 people taken at the staff to station, "have no experience and knowledge for work in nuclear branch".

Can assume that "Akkaya" will be not the only nuclear power plant in this country. Certainly, to run forward and to dream on this subject prematurely, but electricity consumption to Turkey increases with a speed of 7% a year, even "The Turkish stream" can not cope with such rates. It now 2400 MWt of power "Akkaya" make 17% of the general development of the electric power Turkey, but with such speed of developments the industries, demographic growth by the time of the termination of the fourth block of these percent it will appear already less.

the Project stops being "paper"

System of permissions of a construction of the nuclear power plant to Turkey, as well as in many other countries, has some steps. The first — site for construction licensing, "Akkaya" passed it in 1976, in 2011, after ratification of the intergovernmental agreement by parliaments and registration "Akkaya Nuklear", the first and second points of article 7 took effect:

"1. The Turkish side free of charge allocates the Design companies a platform with existing license and existing infrastructure until the end of a conclusion from nuclear power plant operation. The additional earth on which the nuclear power plant will be under construction and which belongs to Turkey, is also gratuitously allocated the Design companies.

2. The Turkish side according to applicable laws and norms Turkey facilitates the Design companies expropriation of any other earth belonging to individuals, necessary in this regard the Project".

is "gratuitous", "expropriation" — sounds nostalgic, it is necessary to be surprised that it not from the book about the first years of the Soviet power, and from very actual contracts two states. In June of the 2017th year "Akkaya Nuklear" obtained the license for generation of the electric power for a period of 49 years — till 2066.

In October "Akkaya Nuklear" obtained the following license — the limited construction license "Akkaya". This document allowed to start performance of installation and construction works on the device of a ditch No. 1 and a base plate for the main and auxiliary constructions, a vertical layout of a platform, zasypke bays to a meter mark %2B 10,5, to construction of two cargo terminals, a construction of water taking away channels and construction of temporary buildings and constructions.

the Device of a base plate — a stage important on any building, and at nuclear power plant construction it is important doubly. Each nuclear power plant is under construction according to the individual project, after all it is necessary to consider all features of soil, seismological characteristics of the district and even climatic conditions in which power blocks should work. Literally in few weeks the platform recovered — construction equipment began to arrive, hundreds experts, began to change bay outlines, and inhabitants Buyukedzheli and Gyulnara had an opportunity to find out, how well they could master Russian.

on December 10 director general Alexei Likhachev and the first deputy minister of Energy Turkey Donmez Fatikh became the main participants of a ceremony of the beginning of construction of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu". But also for us, dear readers, this day too can be considered sign — for the first time since the beginning of the moment of works the platform was visited by correspondents of federal mass media, for the first time there was a reporting from a place of events.

Rates of work will increase only so by the time of visit to Turkey President of the Russian Federation everything on a platform will look absolutely differently. "Akkaya Nuklear" and TAEK do by common efforts everything that during visit Vladimir Putin took place not only transfer of the full license for nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" construction, but also there would take place a ceremony of filling of the first concrete. At the beginning of February of TAEK approved "the main construction document" — the report on parameters of a platform, OPP. Quotes — as to call the word "document" the huge volume consisting of 13 sections on 6000 pages, it is possible only conditionally. The first edition of OPP made in 2014, was where is more modest — only 800 pages, but it was only the beginning of work on verification of parameters of a platform.

For the past four years "Akkaya Nuklear" by means of specialists of the Bosporus, Middle Eastern technical and Mediterranean universities conducting the Turkish engineering companies by Envi Energie ve Cherve Yatyrimlary and Sondage ve Ishaat Muhendislik Mushavirlik in addition investigated, specified everything that is connected with seismology, hydrogeology, karstic emptiness and other natural phenomena which can be shown around a station arrangement. On it we suggest to stop spending time for listening of stories of various anti-nuclear activists about certain "unaccounted natural anomalies" — imaginations that the Turkish scientists and engineers do not worry about safety the native land, only imaginations, and absolutely unscientific.

On the eve of filling of the first concrete one more important news came to the basis of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu": On April 2 the design company JSC Akkuyu Nuklear received the full-fledged status strategic investors. The updated certificate of strategic investments is issued to JSC Akkuyu Nuklear according to the application submitted by company to Ministry Republic Turkey economy. The certificate was issued on the basis of come into force on March 27, 2018 the law "About Amending Laws on the Taxation, Some Laws and the Resolutions Having the Status of the Law" which has been earlier approved by Majlis Turkey (TR parliament).

Obtaining this certificate is important for project economy. In particular, decrease or release from taxes (including on tax on profit and the VAT) and release from payment of customs duties and duties is provided.

the project

"Rusat Energo International" owning of 100% of actions of JSC Akkuyu Nuklear — is the integrating company which coordinates interaction in the project of all structural units State corporation "Rosatom", providing not only construction, but also operation of power blocks. Engineering plants, the specialized enterprises which are letting out instrumentation and industrial control system (automatic control system of technological process), plants TVEL and all enterprises, which activity coordinates FTsYaRB (The federal center of nuclear and radiation safety) — this list can be continued and continued.

the Akkuyu Project develops dynamically, according to plans. There is also one more moment, important for project economy: polucheniy the status strategic investors are provided by decrease or release from taxes on profit and the VAT, and also release from payment of customs duties and duties. It means receiving privileges for billion dollars. Besides, it is worth looking narrowly at the fifth and sixth points of the Agreement on electric power purchase attentively:

"5. TETASh guarantees purchase at the Design companies the fixed quantity of the electric power planned to development for the nuclear power plant — 70% of blocks 1 and 2 and 30 of % of blocks 3 and 4 within 15 (fifteen) years from start date of commercial operation of each power unit at the average price of 12,35 cents of United States of America for kWh (without the VAT).

6. The design company will sell 30% of the electric power planned to development by blocks 1 and 2, and 70% of the electric power planned to development by blocks 3 and 4, in the free energy market is independent or through the retail supplier of the electric power".


— it is the state company on electric power sale, payments from its party are guaranteed. Let's compare these conditions to in what the nuclear power plants to most Russian Federation work simply. According to the System Operator, in 2017 "Rosenergoatom" srednevzveshenno received for kvt*chas 2,24 rubles or, at the rate, from 3 to 4 American cents, that is is 3−4 times less than that is provided by the Agreement on purchase with the Turkish wholesale buyer, being thus very profitable company. Critics of the project of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" are able to call it "the increased commercial risks", and here somehow it is impossible to us — in our opinion, the project is absolutely profitable. The fixed price of sale of the electric power as prompts the calculator — not weakness, and on the contrary, strength of the project which explains quiet confidence State corporation "Rosatom" that negotiations with potential investors will end successfully.

Should not be forgotten Investments . It not only a prestige question, a question of occurrence in exclusive "nuclear club", it, first of all, a question energy security the states. By estimates of the government Turkey, by 2023 the need for the electric power for the country will grow to 500 billion kWh, this volume is necessary for ensuring economic developments, for ensuring requirements of steadily increasing population. Water resources Turkey allow to increase number of hydroelectric power station, but they will not provide such volume of growth of consumption.

Today 28% of electrogeneration Turkey — is coal stations, but Turkey signed the Parisian climatic agreement, she does not intend to increase coal consumption. 45% of electrogeneration Turkey provide gas power plants, in the near future "The Turkish stream" will reach its coast, but also it will be insufficiently and there is to Turkey no such gas transmission system by means of which gas could reach from Black Sea the Mediterranean coast. Diversification of productions the electric power due to generation of the most hi-tech, nuclear, giving the chance developments and creations of accompanying branches, from metallurgical to medicine — is a question of emergence of new prospects of developments the countries, new workplaces …

Nuclear power — strategy of developments Turkey

B population Turkey passed 2017

for 80 million people, its density is several times higher, than to Russian Federation, but it is distributed very unevenly. Creation of a new hi-tech cluster on the bank of the Mediterranean Sea, development transport infrastructure, creation of new workplaces in the latest industries — is the objectives which will be achieved by Turkey, realizuya the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" project.

that Turkey builds such strategy, are told also by the facts which escape from attention of the critics, suggesting to believe in firmness of area Mersin as the tourist and agricultural region.

"on October 26 last year Institute "Gidroproekt", being a part "Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"", was chosen as the winner tenders on rendering consulting services on the subject "Development of Justification of Placement and Assessment of Technical and Economic Indicators of Stores of Energy at the Nuclear Power Plant".

the Message seems to

low-informative? To do nothing — here at us official statements write in such strange language, it is necessary to decipher almost each word in literal sense to understand that means. Here and in this case it is necessary to carry on "investigation".

"Stores of energy" about which it is necessary to consult at "Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"" — here options are not present

, it is a question about pumped storage power plant — gidroakkumulyatsiony power plants. Who held tender? RAOS Energy Enerji Yatırımlar ı Dan ış manl ığı Anonim Şirketi — the Turkish company. Again unclear? 100% of actions of this companies belong "Rusat Energo International" as State corporation "Rosatom" and 100% "Akkaya Nuklear" belongs these affiliated companies. Everything, the investigation is completed!

State corporation "Rosatom" ordered "Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"" justification of the project of pumped storage power plant for "Akkaya", having made it according to all standards of the international projects — through the open tender. Thus on June 1 last year "Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"" and State corporation "Rosatom" within the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum signed the agreement "About mutual cooperation" within which could do and without all additional procedures, but rules of the game are that.

pumped storage power plant

together with the nuclear power plant — this regulation of peaks of consumption, a way to save reactors from need of maneuvering by capacities, a way to increase their KIUM, rated capacity efficiency. Therefore, already now State corporation "Rosatom" and the Turkish side (and without participation Turkey even carrying out engineering and prospecting researches on territories of the country, search of places under placement of pumped storage power plant are impossible) are sure that regulation of peaks of consumption in the region of placement of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" will be necessary. Cultivation of olives and white sand of beaches — it, of course, pastoralno, but saving of this idyllic picture is not in the plans Turkey, Turkey the nuclear power plant is necessary, and it will be under construction.

the nuclear power plant Construction project to Turkey for Russian Federation — this expansion of our technological area, is one more step to fixing of our scientific and engineering school in this perspective region. State corporation "Rosatom" builds the nuclear power plant in Iran, construction in Egypt will begin soon. The nuclear power is many-sided, it balances not only a power system, but also helps stable economic and public development to the countries of the presence. There is a nuclear power plant — there is the stablest source of the electric power, there is an opportunity to develop economy, there is no occasion to migrate to Europe or in any direction as it is good to live it is possible and at home.

The one who wants stable, systematic developments the Middle East region — builds the nuclear power plant. The one who relied on chaos distribution — builds worldwide military bases, and skill of construction of the nuclear power plant simply lost. Russian Federation — builds the AES.<"201>"

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 658
Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Alexei Likhachev
Last position: Director general (State corporation "Rosatom")
Mevlyut Çavuşoğlu
Main activity:Politician
Marina Karasyova
Last position: Teacher of Department of the theory of music (Moscow city State conservatory named after P. I. Chaykovskogo)