How long Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation intends to suffer cartographical aggression Japan?

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At Yeltsin Japanese propaganda materials with claims to Kuriles were made in printing house of Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation


In Russian there is an expression "to ungirdle". Figuratively it, according to explanatory dictionaries, means "to become dismissed, to lose any restraint. E.g. — the impudent fellow ungirdled". Even it is awkward that sometimes it is necessary to apply similar expression concerning diplomats of the solid state, dear member of the international community. But how differently it is possible to characterize distribution by official Japanese delegation headed by the consul general in Vladivostok Tatsukhiko's Province of Kasai to citizens of our country of brochures in Russian in which rough claims not only on the Southern Kuril islands, but also to all Kuriles to Kamchatka territory and the southern half of the Russian island Sakhalin region move forward? On the cards placed in such brochures Sakhalin region the islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and a ridge of Khabomai are painted in color Japan as belonging to it, and other Kuriles and the southern half Sakhalin region are left not painted over as territories with allegedly uncertain state accessory. Thus it is well known that under invented in the 60th years of last century the term "northern territories" to Japan all Kuril ridge and Karafuto (Southern Sakhalin region) "broad" are understood.

according to Sakhalin Media news agency, Representation ministry foreign affairs Russia in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky sent to the consul general Japan in Vladivostok a note of protest in connection with distribution on Kamchatka territory materials on which the Kuril Islands are designated as Japanese. The representative reported Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Evgeny Vereshchaga . According to the representative, during the period from March 22 to March 24 on Kamchatka territory with official visit there was a Japanese delegation headed by the consul of this country in Vladivostok Tatsukhiko Province of Kasai. Visit of delegation took place within carrying out "the 51st film festival of Japanese movies" in Kamchatka territory.

"At them some meetings, including with officials of the region took place. At our meeting personally the magazine in which the territory Russian Federation, in particular islands of the Kuril ridge were designated as Japanese" was handed over to me — Vereshchaga Eugenie told. According to him, the note of protest was immediately sent to the consul. "We expressed opinion that similar actions are inadmissible that islands of the Kuril ridge are an integral part Russian Federation, and their status is not subject to doubt. Asked from now on similar materials not to extend to territories Kamchatka territory" — added Vereshchaga Eugenie.

"The Japanese delegation stayed on Kamchatka territory some days, having carried out during this time a set of meetings with officials and businessmen. Everywhere they distributed the booklets and magazines on which on the card the Kuril Islands were marked as Japanese. Similar publications were transferred by Japanese and to representatives of border management" — reported Sakhalin Media.

Try to undertake Japanese diplomats similar in Soviet period — reaction would be immediate up to dispatch as of the persona non grata . However to "democratic" Russian Federation of similar "pranks" made light. In any case, not so long ago, even Japan secretly encouraged cartographical aggression, probably, thus accustoming Russians to thought of "inevitability of loss of Kuriles". Not to be suspected of prooflessness of statements, I will give some facts.

In times "Yeltsin kozyrevskogo the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" Japanese diplomats, having felt weakness of the country leaders of stay and its aspiration for the sake of financial support to make serious territorial concessions, began to process openly the population of our country to achieve its consent with a capitulatory course of the Kremlin. Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan big circulations published, and Japanese Embassy and consulates to Russian Federation widely distributed colourful brochures in Russian "Northern territories Japan" in which, in particular, it was approved: "on August 9, 1945, three days later the ambassador of nuclear bombing Hiroshima and on the same day nuclear bombing Nagasaki, Soviet Union in defiance of the Pact about a neutrality, entered war against Japan …" Explaining the disagreement with the Yalta agreement under which and all Kuril Islands passed Southern Sakhalin region, authors of the brochure, obviously sinning against logic, declared, what "Japan who was not a participant in the Yalta agreement (As Japan could be in the years of war by the participant of conference of the countries allies? ! Absurdity! — A.K.) neither legally, nor politically by it it is not connected". And therefore actions of Soviet Union should be called "attack, illegal capture of the Japanese territory". For whom it is necessary to take our people to try to force it to put everything upside down — to rehabilitate an aggressor and to brand the winner — the liberator of the people from a Japanese yoke?

In the mid-nineties to Russian Federation the book of one of the main Japanese fighters for "northern territories" — professor of Hokkaydsky university Hirosi Kimur "A Kuril problem freely extended. History of the Japanese-Russian negotiations on boundary questions". Accusing the USSR in all sins and calling to immediate to "return of Japanese territories" the book, probably, did not find the publisher in our country and was printed for Japanese money in Russian in Kiev. So Russophobic moods grew ripe on "Nezalezhna" long ago.

The Kuril Islands on the map of the Russian Empire
the Kuril Islands on the map of the Russian Empire

the Japanese position about "ownership" of the Kuril Islands Japan and their need "returns in full volume and as soon as possible" in 2000 was specially stated to

" (Ampoken) to the book "Milestones on a Way to the Conclusion of Peace Contracts between Japan and Russian Federation". In this "catechism" artificially created by Americans and revanchist the adjusted Japanese from ruling layers "movements for returns of northern territories" sounded direct appeals to reconsider World War II results in favor of injured in it a crushing defeat Japan. The head Ampoken Itiro Suetsugu wrote in introduction:

"The Japanese party draws

that a core of it of contracts has to be establishment "accessories Japan four northern islands". It is impossible to tell that from the Russian side voices of understanding and support of such approach do not sound … At the same time I see one problem: in many cases the Russian people do not know true historic facts … This book just also sets as the purpose to give sincere answers to doubts which Russians" have.


By orders Japanese contents of the unprecedented propaganda book calling for violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, it was translated and published in Moscow. Contrary to usage carrying-out order Ampoken the Russian translators "modestly" concealed the names. And here the name of printing house should be specified. I remember how the name of a place of "birth" of the Japanese propaganda material struck me: "Is printed from ready slides in PPO daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. 103 798, Moscow, Pushkinskaya Square, 5. Zac. 2368 . Shooting gallery. 4000 copies" .

One more example of how Japanese without due respect treated "new Russia" and her heads, were breaking not only diplomatic canons, but also elementary rules of hospitality and decency of provocation at the summit "G8" 2008. Then participating in work passing to Prefecture of Hokkaido the summit President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev was compelled to contemplate daily defiantly hung out big card with designated as Japanese the Kuril Islands. The printed materials in English were at the same time published to the summit. It was reported that "only in one guide on Prefecture of Hokkaido the scandalous card meets "Japanese Kuriles" 98 times".

I what was reaction Moscow on so provocative and offensive behavior Tokyo? In the Kremlin, daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" reported then, "are not inclined to dramatize a situation round the Kuril Islands. There consider: the problem, certainly, exists, but it should not disturb our cooperation with Japan in economic, humanitarian and other spheres". The representative President of the Russian Federation on affairs "G8" Arkady Dvorkovich was unperturbable, having declared:

"The question of the southern Kuriles will not have any relation to the summit. The position Japan remains same, as earlier. Though there, undoubtedly, on lawns groups of the protesting will act. In total as usual. Thus I do not exclude that such questions can be brought up at bilateral negotiations".

It seems that in the Kremlin and now consider that anything special does not occur, "all as usual".

A here in other countries respecting react to attempts of infringement of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state absolutely in a different way. The other day Ministry foreign affairs South Korea (South Korea), having caused the ambassador, declared a diplomatic protest to Government of Japan in connection with the edition the ministry of science and educations the instruction, demanding to train pupils of the senior classes of schools in the spirit of understanding of a problem of accessory of islands of Takesim not in South Korea, and Japan. Actually these islands long since called in Korean by Tokto (Dokdo) in 1945 were a part of freed South Korea at the same time with the termination of colonial possession by Japan the Korean peninsula. Last year similar recommendations were lowered by the ministry in elementary and high schools of the Country of a rising sun. Then Seoul also declared a protest, having demanded to cancel the instruction. It is not necessary to say that similar actions Tokyo complicate and without that the difficult Japanese-South Korean relations complicating even personal contacts of leaders of two countries even more. And it in spite of the fact that Japan and South Korea consist in a military alliance with each other.

we Will note

that in published by the ministry of science and educations are told to the instruction about accessory Japan not only Takesim's islands, but also "northern territories", that is sovereign lands Russian Federation — the Kuril Islands. But, probably, having got used to the indifferent relation of the Russian authorities to universal attempt of Japanese on the Russian territory, accredited in Japan mass media Russian Federation, at all did not notice, or did not want to notice the next unfriendly demarche official Tokyo. And it, we will note, once again convinces "our Japanese friends" that "especially interested in Japan" Moscow will be and to suffer from now on similar cartographical agressiyu. *** On a photo: The card from the Japanese brochure "Activity of Government of Japan on assistance Russian Federation". Islands Shikotan, Kunashir, Iturup and Lesser Kuril Ridge (Khabomai) are painted in color of the Japanese state, and the southern part of the island Sakhalin region and other Kuril Islands, beginning from the island Urup and finishing the island Shumsha, (