The executive director "OPORA RUSSIA" participated in a meeting with Governmental delegation India

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the Executive director "OPORA RUSSIA" Andrey Nikolaevich Shubin participated in a meeting with Governmental delegation India which took place in Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation.

the Indian delegation were accepted by the Director of the department of developments small and average businesses and the competition of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxime Parshin who noted that "India – our old and reliable partner. The relations Russian Federation and India possess deep historical traditions, have the strong base and serious prospects". during a meeting the Executive director "OPORA RUSSIA" Andrey Nikolaevich Shubin told

about those directions of cooperation which develop in "OPORA RUSSIA" with the Indian partners, about the collaboration aimed at development and strengthening of cooperation of the small and medium-sized companies of two countries, about the b2b organization meetings on interests, about long-term partners "OPORA RUSSIA" in India, such as Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry India (FICCI) and "Ay BE Ey". Andrei Choubin also expressed to

Andrey Nikolaevich Shubin further cooperation on the Indian direction and readiness "OPORA RUSSIA" to cooperation with the Indian National Corporation small businesses regarding an exchange of experience in the sphere of developments small and medium business (standard and legal base, development mechanisms businesses), readiness for an exchange of business delegations on various branches, the organizations of technological master classes, seminars, videoconferences for developments cooperation of MSP two countries.

the Indian delegation the secretary of the Ministry of affairs of small and medium business headed India mister Kumar Arun the Panda. The Indian delegation visited Russian Federation for establishment of contacts with profile departments and the organizations which are responsible for development of small and average business in Russian Federation.

In the declared agenda of a meeting – information exchange in the sphere of developments small and medium business in two countries, initiation of cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises of two countries, an exchange of business delegations, holding joint seminars, round tables, technological master classes, etc.

also participated In a meeting representatives of JSC Korporation <10> of MSP ", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY EKSPORTNY CENTER" who told about conditions of credit and guarantee support of the Russian MSP, opportunities of participation of the small and medium-sized companies in joint business missions and exhibitions, and also about work prospects with foreign partners. "I will be very glad to

if our today's meeting gives an impetus to closer cooperation between the Russian and Indian small and medium-sized companies", - Maxime Parshin concluded.