The official accused of million frauds with the earth
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The official accused of million frauds with the earth Photo
: Slava Stepanov |

the Former employee of Administration of the Ordynskoye district of the Novosibirsk region will appear before court on charge of fraud and an abuse of authority. According to the investigators, it illegally got two grounds and divided the site which was in state property into more than 50 small.

the 47-year-old former employee of Administration of the Ordynskoye district of the Novosibirsk region accuse of crimes under the articles "Fraud" and "Abuse of Powers of Office". The Committee of inquiry was engaged in investigation, crimes were revealed by the staff of Department of the Federal Security service of the Russian Federation on Novosibirsk region .

As accused, consistently replacing positions of the chief specialist, the chief reported in Prosecutor's office of Novosibirsk region, from 2008 to 2010 Department property and land relations to administration Ordynskoe district, contrary to the land legislation prepared technical documentation on a land surveying of the land plots, orders about granting the land plots and delivery-acceptance certificates for them.

"Under the influence of deception of the head of the area signed documents therefore the ill-minded woman managed to get illegally the property right to two land plots, located in the territory of one of gardening societies Ordynskoe district, having caused to municipal education damage in a size nearly one million rubles", – reported in prosecutor's office.

C 2009 for 2011 the woman, using the powers of office, without the lawful bases organized carrying out land use planning works concerning the land plot with a market cost more than 14 million rubles. The site at that time was in state property.

"As a result of these works were formed 52 new land plots which further (on the basis of orders of chapter Ordynskoe district, prepared personally the official, or on it to the instruction other staff of regional administration) were provided to various persons free of charge allegedly for conducting gardening", – told in supervisory authority.
Criminal case will consider case in essence Ordynskoe district district court Novosibirsk region. we Will note

that in Ordynskoe district earlier more than once there were "land scandals" which led to criminal cases. It was made responsible, including, the former head of municipal educations Ivarovsky Pawel .