Ordynskoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowUpon detection in the Horde region of a body of the man a pre-investigation inspection by results of which the procedural decision will be made] is carried ouUpon detection in the Horde region of a body of the man a pre-investigation inspection by results of which the procedural decision will be made] is carried ou1/24/2023Helena KonovalovWith an accruing result eight people that is slightly more [than during the same period] than 2022 asked for medical care. Stings occurred in Iskitimsky, Horde, Vengerovsky, Krasnozersky, Karasuksky areas4/17/2023Alexander Fedorovich ShcherbatovUpon detection in the Horde region of a body of the man a pre-investigation inspection by results of which the procedural decision will be made] is carried ouUpon detection in the Horde region of a body of the man a pre-investigation inspection by results of which the procedural decision will be made] is carried ou1/24/2023Helena KonovalovWith an accruing result eight people that is slightly more [than during the same period] than 2022 asked for medical care. Stings occurred in Iskitimsky, Horde, Vengerovsky, Krasnozersky, Karasuksky areas4/17/2023Alexander Fedorovich ShcherbatovUpon detection in the Horde region of a body of the man a pre-investigation inspection by results of which the procedural decision will be made] is carried ouUpon detection in the Horde region of a body of the man a pre-investigation inspection by results of which the procedural decision will be made] is carried ou1/24/2023Helena Konovalov1270Region News+12 last weekHead since 2017Oleg OrelMedia Score: LowHead since 2017Oleg Orel8:38:08 PMGMT+754RUS38359Dialing code134Connections+47 last weekPopulation36 045NewsConnections Tree
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