The team Komi Republic won team sprint of the Championship against Russian Federation on cross-country skiing

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of the Photo Shlegel Yakov

Medal events in team sprint were held today by participants of the Championship Russian Federation on cross-country skiing. If among men of hope for a medal at the fans who have gathered on the Republican ski complex of R. Smetanina was a little, in the female final of steam Tsareva Olga and Belorukova Julia could threaten and on a victory.

Owners of competitions exposed at once three teams. Besides a flagman duet Tsareva Olga / Belorukova Julia, Komi Republic also represented Rocheva Olga with Vlasova Anastasia and Melina Victoria with Kostyuchenko Inna.

Alas, in semifinal running the second and third teams did not divide the route and arranged a small blockage. However, it did not prevent Rocheva Olga / Vlasova Anastasia to finish the third and to reach the final at the expense of good time.

the First team Komi Republic did not begin to disappoint fans and in this running became the first. Belorukova Julia crossed finishing line on half a second earlier, than Aleshina Tatyana from Tyumen region.

From the second semi-final it is directly expected there were Muscovites Bayazitov's Bayazitova Aida and Matveeva Natalia, and also their neighbors Tver region Severina Irina and Nepryaeva Natalia.

In the final the question who will appear prize-winners, did not stand. But who what step of a pedestal will occupy, remained to unknown till the last moment. Under cheers of fans of the first finishing line was crossed by Belorukova Julia.

After the finish Belorukova Julia marked out the workmate. Tsareva Olga at the stages either became the first, or finished a piece in the general group.

Certainly, fans did not remain unattended.

"Me it seems to

, at the Olympic Games not so loudly shouted, as here. At once it is visible that at us love skis. It is simple something unreal", - shared impressions the bronze prize-winner of Pyeongchang and the champion Russian Federation.


the Men's national team Komi Republic also was presented to

and Vokuev Yermil.

to owners even managed to be finished One of the first pieces the first. But the class of more skilled athletes nevertheless took up over "native walls".

More than the sure victory was won by team of Tyumen region. Retivykh Gleb sent to the last piece Bolshunov Alexander to the first. And the triple silver prize-winner of Pyeongchang only came off persecutors.

"Race turned out not absolutely fast because snow went and nobody wanted to be in the lead. Some sites even were without ski track. At me it did not turn out to give all the best today, and Bolshunov Alexander "made" this race", - Retivykh Gleb explained.

his companion did not begin to take away all monasteries to himself, having noticed that the victory was won by common efforts.

"Our result developed thanks to team. And Retivykh Gleb, and I constantly worked. Well, could give all the best at the last stage, at least meters to ten me bring. But it sufficed me. I simply went the last circle the speed, children slightly lagged behind, and we won", - in a playful manner commented on a race Bolshunov Alexander.


"Silver" of the Championship Russian Federation won

and Stupak Nikita. The third place at Yaparov Dimitri and Vylegzhanin Maxime from Udmurt Republic.

Vitsenko Aleksey and Vokuev Yermil became the fifth.

On Friday on RLK of Smetanina there will take place female and man's relays. Beginning at 11 o'clock.

Bakanov Ilya

Natalia Nepryaeva
Last position: The professional athlete on cross-country skiing
Aida Bayazitova
Last position: The professional athlete on skiing
Aleksey Aleksandrovich Vitsenko
Last position: The professional athlete on cross-country skiing