At this time of night: the Lenfilm building collapsed, bodies of all victims in "Winter cherry" are found

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Night. Photo: Kuzora Valeria

on March 28, regional news agency "AmurMedia". To Kemerovo found bodies of all victims at a fire in shopping center. The "Lenfilm" building collapsed. The escalator "began to live" the man. About it and not only in the short review of news of the world, Russian Federation and Far East from AmurMedia news agency.

Intelligence services found Hugo Chavez vandals

of Intelligence service Venezuela found the vandals who have profaned a statue of the former leader of the country Hugo Chavez, established in his native Sabaneta. As writes information agency "RIA Novosti", the intelligence service of SEBIN detained three men." Court number six ordered imprisonment for Gilberto Telyes, Lopes Christopher and Asiel Jiménez" — is spoken in the Foro Penal human rights organization message. Let's remind, Hugo Chavez Russian Federation presented a six-meter granite statue to Venezuela in October, 2016. Last week malefactors threw at it stones, and at the basis of a monument burned autotires.

To Kemerovo bodies of all victims at a fire in shopping center


the Staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations found bodies of all 64 victims at a fire in shopping center "Winter Cherry" to Kemerovo, Aksenov Vladlen "told to journalists of the deputy head of department. In total was lost at this emergency situations 64 persons. We have no other data. We know all people. Missing persons are not present" — he told. Aksenov Vladlen confirmed that among victims — 41 children.

the building of "Lenfilm"

the "Lenfilm" Building on Tambasov Street in Saint Petersburg partially Collapsed collapsed. Photos from a scene in social networks were published by eyewitnesses.

Heroes of a fire Kemerovo

While Kemerovo investigators understand the reasons of the terrible tragedy in shopping and recreation center "Winter cherry" and establish guilty, in social networks and mass media there are stories about simple people who, without thinking of own life, rushed to fire, rescuing others.

the Escalator "began to live" the man

B Istanbul the man failed in the failed escalator.

Theresa May the British prime minister Theresa May sent to Vladimir Putin the letter with condolences

sent to the Russian leader Vladimir Putin the letter with condolences in connection with death of people at a fire in Kemerovo.

the crowd funding Market grew by 83%

the crowd funding Market to Russian Federation for last year increased almost twice. Through platforms on collecting "national" money passed 11 billion rubles, told daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" in the press service Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia). Crowd funding belongs to high-risky investments, but gives the increased profitability. Therefore rapid growth of this market against toughening of requirements of banks to borrowers is observed.

Theresa May
Last position: The member of the House of Commons from Meydenkhed (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 639
Kuzora Valeria
Lopes Christopher
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance