In the Urals punished the principal where to the child cut off fingers

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the Hand of the school student tightened
in a mill . PHOTO:

B Arti district Sverdlovsk region at a lesson at school the fifth-grader lost hand fingers. Russian information company "URA.Ru" reported about it in regional prosecutor's office.

As found out in prosecutor's office, state of emergency happened on February 9, 2018 at Potashkinsky high comprehensive school. The pupil of the fifth class, being on circle occupations "Masterful "Samodelkin", made a wooden casket. The teacher left. The school student turned on the lathe. His right hand together with a product tightened in a mill.

prosecutors found a set of violations In a school workshop
: the press service of Prosecutor's office of Sverdlovsk region

of the Boy with multiple injuries of a brush hospitalized in hospital. The machine to the school student tore off an average phalanx of a ring finger and the top phalanx of a little finger, and also shattered a middle finger and tore off a thumb nail.

Prosecutor's office Arti district Sverdlovsk region carried out a school inspection. It appeared that pupils were not provided with overalls, and also goggles and oversleeves, in machines there were no bulbs. Besides, inspectors found out, the teacher was not trained on equipment of safety and therefore had no right to allow to work of minors.

the Teacher got off with reprimand. To the director, besides disciplinary punishment appointed a penalty. To the head of department of educations local administration prosecutor's office brought idea of elimination of violations.

Mikhaleva Natalia
© News service Russian information company "URA.Ru"