Chapter of Karachay-Cherkess Republic thanked initiators of an action "Relay "The pure city" and expressed them the personal support

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Today, on March 23, Chapter of Karachay-Cherkess Republic Rashid Temrezov carried out in Karachayevsk exit meeting with heads of the settlements entering the Karachay city district. After meeting it met the head of administration Teberda, a city asset and representatives of public organizations.

The matter is that on March 15 inhabitants Teberda began an action "Relay "The pure city" during which cleaned the territory of the Residential district. Next day relay was accepted by the area Kjain Al. And on March 17 at the initiative of chapter City administration Teberda Kanamatov Aslan within relay "The pure city" was carried out a city community work day. The rescue was come by some tens volunteers, 6 units of special equipment were involved. Participants of a community work day put in order the park territory, the downtown and the residential district Kjain Al.

"Garbage — a problem of the XXI century. City administration Teberda urges all inhabitants to support our stock, to fall in love with the city, to understand that it is our house! After all today to a community work day there was your son, the brother, the father, the husband. We ask you to respect others work, to respect each other! The pure future — in the pure present! Many thanks to all for the help! " — it is spoken on a page in of website "Instagram" to resort town Administration.

At a meeting with teberdinets in Administration of the city district Karachayevsk Rashid Temrezov thanked all of them and everyone separately that they initiated and held this action which has caused a big public response, including on social networks. Actually, from social networks Rashid Temrezov also learned about the events in Teberda.



Answering questions of Chapter of Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kanamatov Aslan in detail told about a course of works, having emphasized that the administration Teberda actively cooperates with the management of the reserve and a lot of things, including, and on cleaning and improvement kurort-Teberdy in which territory there is the Central estate of the reserve, they plan to carry out together.

For now throughout here weeks in Teberda bring an order, clean unauthorized dumps, even there where did not reach in days of ordinary community work days. Inhabitants of high-rise buildings carry out cleaning of the yards and house adjoining territories. And it only began. Further the management Teberda intends to oblige owners of shops and other private objects, and also various organizations and establishments, to establish an esthetic type of a ballot box for garbage. And in relation to violators of a sanitary mode in the resort town it is planned to carry out measures of administrative influence.

— We very much hope that here such, at first sight small and local actions, we will be able to reconstruct consciousness of people on the careful and responsible attitude to the house, the yard, the street, the city. Only everything together we will be able to make our city purer, more well-planned and more beautiful! The action is productive and gives the chance not only to make pure our streets and the yards, but also to feel one big family — the head of administration Teberda continued.

After visit to Karachayevsk Chapter of Karachay-Cherkess Republic Rashid Temrezov wrote to

on the page to of website "Instagram" the following: "With great pleasure met today children from Teberda who initiated very important and useful relay "The pure city", both the example and work showed how it is necessary to treat a place where was born and live. Pleases that relay was accepted already by youth from other settlements of the Karachay city district. I hope, also inhabitants from other settlements of Karachay-Cherkess Republic will follow this example. Told to children that too I accept relay, and next time we will meet already in the most Teberda who demands separate attention".

we Will remind

that in the New Year's address Chapter of Karachay-Cherkess Republic Rashid Temrezov declared 2018 in the region – Year of improvement of urban and rural areas in order that in all settlements of Karachay-Cherkess Republic life of each family became more comfortable. At the heart of algorithm of work uniform approach, but taking into account the most burning issues of concrete territories — on lighting, repair sidewalks, the central roads or parks has to lie.

It is of particular importance because development the cities and territories became one of the most important theses of the message President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in March, 2018.

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Rashid Temrezov
Last position: Governor of Karachayevo-Circassia (Head of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic)
Aslan Kanamatov