The MegaFon will be sold by the travel card

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of PAO Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" started the pilot project on sale of travel cards of "Shooter" with the Three card appendix in retail network.

the Pilot project on sale of travel cards of "Shooter" with the Three card appendix in the form of charms started

in Moscow region. The charm with full-fledged functionality of cards of "Arrow" situated near Moscow and Moscow "Three" can be got for 350 rub.

the Commercial director of Capital branch Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" Sysoeva Svetlana noted that Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" starts the pilot project on sale in 12 salons of communication." We pay special attention to Moscow region, as to the priority region for developments ours businesses. Interaction with the Arrow project - one of results of interaction with the regional authorities for advantage of inhabitants Moscow region. The pilot project on sale of charms will give the chance to us to estimate real need of the client for service and to optimize all processes. Also we continue to work actively with the Three project and are ready to introduce new services for all his users", - Sysoeva Svetlana told, having added that more than 2 million transport Arrow cards are sold today and all passenger vehicles Moscow region accept her for payment.
In the press service of the operator reminded that Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" among mobile operators provided the first service of check of balance and the status of all transport Arrow cards through short number IVR and USSD." Sale of the charms combining in "Arrow" and "Three", is the following step for convenience and comfort of our clients using public transport in areas and the capital. We specially picked up salons which are near stations of suburban electric trains. Besides in our salons always it is possible to refill their balance. In 2014 Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" the first started service which allows subscribers to refill balance of the Moscow transport Three card in our salons of communication", - Sysoeva Svetlana speaks.

the Marketing director and to communications of the Arrow card Frolov Aleksey noted that start of sales of charms of "Shooter" with the Three card appendix in "MegaFon" salons Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" is a first step in development distributions of alternative tickets. In the future the quantity of points of sales will be significantly expanded.

Other mobile operators do not exclude possibility of start of similar projects. The representative of the press service of the operator of Tele2 (LLC "T2 MOBAYL") in conversation with the correspondent of daily online newspaper "" noted that business strategy of Tele2 relies on creation of unique partner services on a joint of a telecom both other branches, and transport - not an exception." Inhabitants Moscow and Moscow region actively use the Three and Arrow maps for trips on public transport. Tele2 estimates usefulness of sales of universal travel cards in salons of communication and will consider possibility of start of such project", - speak in Tele2 press service.
we Will note br that communications operators as a whole actively look for new ways of developments retail networks, including due to expansion of a line of goods and a range of provided services. For example, as earlier reported the Kommersant edition newspaper "Kommersant" with reference to words of the executive vice-president for development the Vympelcom PAO Open joint-stock company "Vympel-Kommunikatsii" (a brand "Beeline") Marek Slachik, Open joint-stock company "Vympel-Kommunikatsii" started the program of updating of a retail according to which in salons of "Beeline" there will be offices of banks and ATMs, coffee houses and travel agencies. Company counts that sale of partner services will increase a client traffic.

As for "MegaFon" project Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" on sale of travel cards of "Shooter" with the Three card appendix in the form of charms, that, according to the analyst Group of companies "Finam" Delitsyn Leonid, in nine months 2018 Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" can sell about 35 thousand pieces. The sales volume of charms will make 12 million rubles.

"It is the pilot project, and pilot projects, as a rule, a task of generation of profit do not set. In the long term tickets, certainly, can be on sale in salons of mobile communication as in these salons there is practically everyone. In "Euroset" salons Group of companies "Yevroset" and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SVYAZNOY" the Arrow cards are on sale. Respectively, if users, for example, fill up the Arrow card in "MegaFon" salons Open joint-stock company "MegaFon", the increase in a flow of potential buyers will be indirect result. The turn of salons of digital communication in area can grow by 5-10%", - Delitsyn Leonid speaks.

the Senior analyst of LLC IK "Fridom Finance" Bogdan Zvarich considers as Fried that the project is aimed by started Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" and working in Moscow, to unite two cards in one charm. This product is not profile for companies and acts as accompanying goods. Volume arrived here if is, most likely, minimum. But similar charms with "MegaFon" logo Open joint-stock company "MegaFon" will draw attention, so, become an image product for companies", - Bogdan Zvarich noted.

Andreeva Maria, Shishulin Denise

Bogdan Zvarich
Sysoeva Svetlana
Frolov Aleksey
Delitsyn Leonid
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Finance
LLC IK "Fridom Finance"
Main activity:Finance