In Venezuela vandals damaged the presented Russian Federation Hugo Chavez

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In the Venezuelan city Sabaneta a statue of the former president Venezuela Hugo Chavez, Russian Federation, became object of vandalism.

About it are reported by CiberCuba.

It is noted by

that group of people broke a monument and tried to burn down tires near it.

%23Sabaneta , el pueblo que vio nacer a %23Chávez quemó y apedreó su estatua en la antigua Plaza del Estudiante, luego de pasar horas de la noche y la madrugada sin electricidad. pic.

— NoticiasChelmevision (@NOTICIAS_chelme) on March 22, 2018

According to available information, the statue was damaged not really strongly.

In May, 2017 in Venezuela demonstrators destroyed a monument to Hugo Chavez.