In Venezuela profaned Hugo Chavez, created by the Russian sculptor

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Demonstrators profaned a monument to the former president Venezuela to Hugo Chavez which was created by the Russian sculptor Kazantsev Sergei. Denny Frias reported to journalists about it — the distant relative of the ex-head of the state.

It is a question of a granite monument in Sabaneta, the hometown of Hugo Chavez. As transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS" , Frias looks after a garden where the statue is established.

"Fortunately, the damage is insignificant … we already everything washed up and cleaned" — the relative of the comandante told.

on March 5, 2013 Hugo Chavez died

from cancer in Caracas. The sarcophagus with his body is established in the revolution Museum. Monument in Sabaneta opened in 2016.