Banki.Ra and NRA on April 9 will carry out a round table on a subject "From investors in investors?"
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Speakers and participants of a round table will discuss

, whether there are investments into stock market alternative to deposits.

on April 9 the largest financial portal of the Runet Banki.Ra and the National Rating Agency (NRA) will carry out a round table on a subject "From investors in investors? That waits bank deposits and whether there are investments into stock market a mass product". This meeting will continue a series of joint actions Banki.Ra and NRA under the general name "All Truth about Money", become a platform for discussion of the most burning issues of the financial market.

at the beginning of February Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) once again lowered a key rate that caused a new round of decrease in profitability of deposits. In February the maximum interest rate fell in ten largest credit organizations to a historical minimum — 6,91%. Against falling rates on bank deposits Russians increase the volume of investment into bonds. For example, only in mutual funds since the beginning of year investors enclosed more than 23 billion rubles. And the number of the individual investment accounts opened by Russians, for last year grew by one and a half times. To the middle of March, 2018, according to the Moscow exchange , them already more than 319 thousand

the Main questions for discussion by speakers and participants of a round table:

  • of Action Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) on decrease in a key rate. Forecasts.
  • Influence of group of the State Banks and sanified banks on the market of deposits.
  • of Loudspeaker of deposit rates and behavior of clients in changing conditions. whether
  • Become investments into stock market alternative to deposits.
  • That prevents investment tools to become mass products.
  • Banks as channel of sale of investment products.

Participation as speakers confirmed:

  • deputy director general of IK "Finam" Kabakov Jaroslaw;
  • managing director for retail products Public joint-stock company joint-stock commercial bank "Absolyut bank" Pavlov Anton;
  • director general of the Investment Region company Tonkogubov Dimitri.

confirmation from speakers from a number of large banks, management companies and profile associations Also is expected.


Moderators of a round table will act the editor-in-chief of a portal to Banki.R Romanova Natalia and the president of NRA Chetverikov Victor.

To participation as listeners invite representatives of banks, management companies, brokers and profile mass media. Let's note that participation in a round table for listeners free, but quantity of places limited.

Registration by e-mail .

Additional information on phone (495) 739-5255, an ext. 442.<"35>"

Questions to speakers can send to

to the address .

the Round table will pass

in the Bryusov hall of Metropol hotel. Address: Moscow, Teatralny Drive, 2 .

Registration of participants — from 10:30. The action beginning — at 11:20.

Anton Alekseevich Pavlov
Dmitry Tonkogubov
Main activity:Official
Kabakov Jaroslaw
Romanova Natalia
Chetverikov Victor
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance