Kursk with working visit the chief bailiff visited Russian Federation

@TRK "Sejm"
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B Kursk with working visit visited the chief bailiff Russian Federation Aristov Dimitri. It met the governor Alexander Nikolaevich Mikhaylov, and also handed over a department banner to the head of Department of federal bailiff service on Kursk region to Vernigorov Yvan.

Aristov Dimitri discussed a situation With the governor Alexander Nikolaevich Mikhaylov took the 17th place in the country. Into budgets of all levels it was transferred about 1 billion rubles. One of socially significant areas of work of department — repayment of debts on salary.

Yermenchuk Alexander, chairman of Administrative and Legal Committee of administration of the Kursk region: "At us debt on salary is minimum. Even there were last year periods when it was absent. That is it not hundreds millions rubles. Here work is conducted rather actively".

Should solve

in common and a number of problem questions. They are connected with payment transport taxes and penalties. The situation with a land tax demands attention.

Yermenchuk Alexander: "The site should be registered in order that taxes were paid. But, unfortunately, many citizens try not to register in due time though already both gas, and other connected".

Now Kursk police officers had own banner. He to the Kursk colleague Vernigorov Yvan was given personally by the head of department Aristov Dimitri together with the diploma from the President of the country.

Yurov Alexander