Under decommunization cover the Polish authorities destroy monuments to soldiers liberators

@Pervyj kanal
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B Poland war with monuments already brought

Where was memory, a blank space. Lidzbark Warminski the Soviet soldiers in difficult fights exempted from Germans in January of the 45th. The gratitude monument to Red Army men was one of city symbols. But in recent years the authorities forgot about it. The sculpture decayed, and then at all it appeared among objects which, by definition of Institute of national memory, propagandize communism.

the First channel removed a monument in October of last year. Many locals then were against its demolition. Nevertheless the other day local authorities carried out a sentence of Institute of national memory – a sculpture dismantled. Offers to transfer it to a military cemetery sounded, but the Varminsko-Mazursky voivode forbade. Now figures of soldiers become dusty in a warehouse.

Decommunization, or as consider many, fight against historical memory, widely walks over the country. Official Warsaw hurries: on elimination of monuments gave term until the end of March.

Stragard-Shchetsinsky. Architectural dominant of the city center – the Victory stele – razed to the ground. Now on its place — a sad automobile ring.

in a hurry the present Polish authorities as if forgot that there is an agreement between our countries of 1994. Then Warsaw took the obligation to care of those monuments which now in large quantities dismantle.

"It not communism symbols as it is treated by the Polish party, namely the objects immortalizing memory of the Soviet soldiers, and have no relation to communism" — the consul of Consulate general told Russian Federation in Gdansk Kolyuzhnaya Vanda.


the Law Poles are dissatisfied also. Over all country. Drawsko Pomorskie. Here locals stood up for two T-34 tanks standing on a pedestal. These former Prussian lands became, actually, Polish in March of the 45th thanks to the 1st Soviet tank army. The authorities supported citizens and try to rescue a monument.

Red stars from a monument cleaned

the beginning of the 90th, and recently, after coming into effect of the law on decommunization, local authorities removed bas-reliefs with the image of Red Army men and a thankful inscription. Now there is no symbolics, and with the same success it can be considered, for example, as a monument to the Polish tankmen who too on T-34 were at war with fascists.

Tanks — in the list of objects which Warsaw orders to clean from public places. But here speak: if promotion is not present, why to destroy that is expensive to citizens.

"Several months ago we arranged to

poll among inhabitants Drawsko Pomorskie. 99 percent answered: we want that tanks remained" — Pukhalsky Daniel, the employee of the city hall of Drawsko Pomorskie speaks.

Where the Institute of national memory sees symbols of a totalitarian system, simple people often — another is perfect.

"A monument – the card of our city. All have children's photos on tanks. When we are going to take a walk with friends, we speak: we meet at tanks" — Khofman Elzbieta, the inhabitant of Drawsko Pomorskie tells.

"A monument from the word "memory". The Soviet soldiers died for us, unless not so? It is necessary to honor them as well as Poles, victims in the war" — Boyko Petr, the inhabitant of Drawsko Pomorskie speaks.

Bas-reliefs and memorial inscriptions while store

in a warehouse – they have to take the place in the museum. According to plans on a pedestal there will be plates with neutral stories about the T-34 tank. Then, probably, Warsaw will allow to leave a monument on a place. And if, speak in the city hall, all the same will order to clean, so on it in city treasury hardly there will be money.

Kolyuzhnaya Vanda
Pukhalsky Daniel
Khofman Elzbieta
Boyko Petr
Kruchinin Aleksey