On solvability of narcocrimes Kursk region on the 2nd place to Central Federal District

@TRK "Sejm"
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More than 1 thousand crimes connected with a drug trafficking, revealed to Kursk region last year — nearly 5% more, than in the 2016th. On solvability we on the 2nd place to Central Federal District.

Thanks to harmonious actions last year law enforcement agencies blocked 15 channels of delivery drugs, revealed 13 cases of smuggling. Experts note, the forbidden substances on the most different routes get to the region.

Alexander Nikolaevich Mikhaylov, governor Kursk region: "We looked: intake of drugs to us is recorded generally from neighbors who are not border. It as can be explained? "

Korobkov Alexander, the head of department on control behind drug trafficking of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Kursk region: "Generally drugs go through Moscow, simply some not directly to us to the region, and through other areas".

solvability indicators Improved. So, effective measures are undertaken. Following the results of 2017 on 100 thousand population the indicator of incidence of drug addiction — 7,3, in 2016 — is one unit more. It is one third less, than over the country.

Yermenchuk Alexander, chairman of Administrative and Legal Committee of administration of the Kursk region: "Certainly, there is also a number of problem questions. For example, the number of poisonings from drugs considerably increased, there were 4 fatal cases. Last year the assessment of the situation calculated by techniques, on difficult formulas, was intense, at the moment it is qualified at us as heavy".

Fight against drug addiction proceeds and on Internet. Past year it was succeeded to close 53 network addresses. Help to block channels including volunteers. the 3rd year in the region works the Kiberpatrul project. His activists revealed more than 200 cases of promotion of drugs.

Shashkova Irina