What was it? Sudden resignation the chairman of City thought Irkutsk Yezhova Irina is made comments by observers

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Irkutsk , 19.03.18 (information agency "Teleinform"), - One more sensation of today: Yezhova Irina submitted on March 19 the application for release from a position of the chairman of City thought Irkutsk . Event it, considering the become aggravated situation in relationship of deputies and the mayor, significant also can speak about much. Experts information agency "Teleinform" shared the reflections about it.

  • B City thought Irkutsk now it is restless, and it is connected by that on the horizon elections of deputies which will take place in the fall of 2019. Besides, not much time remained and before the expiration of powers of the mayor in 2020, the political scientist, the editor-in-chief of Newspaper Irkutsk region "Baykalskiye vesti" considers Pronin Youri .
deputies who on many questions criticize the mayor Appeared

-. There is not a lot of them, but they are. Yezhova Irina worked as the chairman at not released basis. By the way, when her elected the speaker, there were questions about it: how she will direct? Because the situation in a thought became aggravated, the chairman who finds more time for this work is obviously necessary. Especially as the deputy speaker Khankhalaev Alexander, and it has some problems in the relations with the mayor. It seems to me, it is simply decided to strengthen the management in a thought. Stekachev Eugenie , I think, will head for interaction with the mayor, will give more time to work. It is important that it is young though someone can count it as a shortcoming: the pier, does not suffice solidity, experience, political weight. But that'll come, so, I believe, Stekachev Eugenie – the quite good candidate to a position of the speaker, - the political scientist added.

  • the Become aggravated situation in a thought notes and professor is right, the doctor of jurisprudence Shishkin Sergei . In the management of the city scandals became frequent, interaction between the city hall and a thought gains rather intense character. For not contents more than it is enough soil, the situation unhealthy, considers the expert.

is and my leaving from a post of the chairman of Civic chamber of the city, the subsequent personnel collapse when tens people were dismissed on the different bases. It and not really successful management during the winter period. I consider an outcome Yezhova Irina quite natural. Probably, it developed the resource and has to be engaged in another matters, - Shishkin Sergei notes.

He emphasizes

: City thought Irkutsk - special. It only can elect the mayor. It is a thought of the capital of Eastern Siberia with elements of public administration.

- Therefore attempt in the forced mode on March 29 at meeting of a thought to resolve an issue of satisfaction of the statement Yezhova Irina and right there to elect the new chairman, with mine sight points, does not correspond to the city Charter. I consider, according to regulations the situation has to look thus: at first resignation Yezhova Irina is accepted, then there is a vacancy, and each deputy has a right to nominate someone or itself to this position. It is necessary to hold consultations, to think with the cold head. It not overindulgence. The thought is not city hall division. It is independent and important body of city self-government. It seems to me, it is necessary to make a pause until the end of April and during this time to work all questions connected with the successor Yezhova Irina , - professor is convinced.

According to him, in a thought there is a quantity of the deputies, capable to assume the management of this body. As for the candidate Stekachev Eugenie, that, by words Shishkin Sergei Shishkin Sergei, "Yezhova Irina called it under pressure".

- But at it the same right to call or not to call any other deputy. Eventually, can be and self-promotion. I have nothing against Stekachev Eugenie, but these conversations are unethical. I speak about authorized norms and ethics which has to accompany this process. Someone, probably, wants to solve this business quickly on the quiet. So it is no good. I think, it will be debatable, - professor declared.

  • the Candidate of political sciences Petrov Aleksey considers that resignation Yezhova Irina reformats a political situation in the city. This event will influence communication between the mayor Irkutsk Dimitri Berdnikov and a thought.

- Yezhova Irina – the first speaker on not released basis. Earlier the chairman of a thought always was in an office, devoted itself only to this work. And Yezhova Irina became the only person holding this position on a voluntary basis. It was the new format of the relations. Besides, she became the first female speaker of municipal duma that too it is important. It seemed to me that Dimitri Berdnikov it had to is good to work with her because in its team there are a lot of women. And now among candidates consider men. Important point: Yezhova Irina did not apply on anything. Any man holding a post on a constant basis is a potential candidate in mayors Irkutsk. It always was so. Therefore the political weight of the one who now will hold a post of the chairman of a thought, will grow at once. We are waited by very interesting times from the point of view of serious functional changes of the city power, - Petrov Aleksey considers.

  • the Specialist in public relations, the political consultant Shindyaev Wladyslaw considers that resignation Yezhova Irina - an event quite expected.

- Yezhova Irina , first of all, the remarkable doctor (the chief physician of the Irkutsk city perinatal center – an editor's note) . And to combine it with presidency in the Duma initially it was very difficult. Therefore at any stage when there were certain difficulties in a thought, it made absolutely right choice, having submitted the resignation. The statement it weighed, justified, intelligent. Now it is necessary to make sufficient efforts to cope with difficult situations, to pay attention to Duma work, and it as I already told, first of all, remains the doctor. The group of deputies already nominated to a post of the speaker Stekachev Eugenie. Position at them one, - the political consultant noted.

According to him, Stekachev Eugenie politically is not engaged, constructive, loyal and capable to go at all for consolidation of interests of all deputies without exception for developments the cities.

  • A here according to the political analyst Solonina Galina , resignation Yezhova Irina is connected with a number of the political reasons, and contradictions you should not reduce everything to disputes in the thought. Between various groups of interests – the budgetary sphere and business, political parties, various levels and branches of the power is a natural political and administrative process as a result of which there is an advance, coherence of the positions, a useful compromise if, of course, the situation is not carried to crisis.

In Irkutsk option of crisis is not present, and it is not expected. And that fact that Yezhova Irina is the member of initiative group on promotion in chairmen of a thought Stekachev Eugenie – the proof best for those.

- Most likely, Yezhova Irina became the initiator of this castling. In Irkutsk there is a question of construction due to federal financings one more perinatal center. Also it is required to make the decision is there will be an independent project or development on the basis of already existing? Go on the way developments the existing city perinatal center as it will be possible to create the most effective system of obstetric aid more rationally, - the expert considers.

According to her, Yezhova Irina – one of the best chief physicians in system of the perinatal centers of Siberia, thanks to its professionalism in Irkutsk the city perinatal center reached the minimum indicators of maternal and child mortality for all history of existence of maternity hospital on Bograd.

In the region there is one more strong chief physician – Protopopova Natalia. But it treats category of the age. To take in hand one more big project with construction of new cases, formation of material and personnel base to it it will be difficult. In this plan at Yezhova Irina big advantage.

At the same time, are noted by Solonina Galina, for Irkutsk actual is participation in the "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" program. Stekachev Eugenie – just the expert in this question, it is the professional builder.