The resident of Yakutsk was included into committee on financial technologies of Association "Russia"

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federal information portal "SakhaNews" . Director general the affiliated companies of Almazergienbank – "AEB-Ayti" – Myreev Anatoly was a part of committee on financial technologies Association "Russia".

"The committee on financial technologies determined earlier by

the main areas of work for 2018, among them – Remote identification clients, regulation in the field of standardization and systematization private digital crypto - assets, P2P payments, – Myreev Anatoly noted. – I as the member of the committee, of course, I will regularly bring information on Almazergienbank experience, problems and calls which we face in the course of developments fintekha to colleagues. Besides, more dense interaction with Association will help AEB to introduce successfully technologies which will make bank services even more convenient and comfortable for inhabitants of the republic".

Reference: the Association of banks of Russia is created by

Association "Russia"

Anatoly Nikolaevich Myreev
Last position: First deputy chairman of the board (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "ALMAZERGIENBANK")
Association "Russia"
Main activity:Finance