Nearly 60 thousand Russian tourists visited Sri Lanka last year

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On to Sri Lanka visited 59,1 thousand Russian tourists in 2017 that is 2% more, than year before, reported to a portal "Interfax Tourism" the third secretary of embassy of Sri Lanka in to Russian Federation Upul Priyanta.

According to him, Russian Federation enters ten the countries which inhabitants most often choose Sri Lanka as the vacation spot. Thus most of all tourists there comes on the island from India , China and United Kingdom . Russian Federation by number of travelers takes the eighth place, advancing United States of America and Netherlands .

of U.Priyant noted that among guests Sri Lanka uses special popularity tea tourism." Tourists visit Sri Lanka not only to get acquainted with sandy beaches, the wild nature, surfing, archaeological monuments, festivals, an Ayurveda, adventure tourism but also to learn history of the Ceylon tea firsthand. Unique part of tourist routes is visit of tea plantations. Tourists take part in process of productions the Ceylon tea from a stage of collecting to a zavarivaniye in a cup. For them opportunities to collect leaves from tea gardens and to try different types of teas directly on a place them productions" open — he reported.

of U.Priyant told that on only Sri Lanka there are 28 grades of tea which are made in seven agroclimatic regions: Nuwara Elia , Uda Pussellava, Dimbula, Uva, Kandi , Province of Sabaragamuwa and Rukhuna. According to him, packing of a new crop happens within 2-3 weeks after collecting to keep freshness and aroma — therefore almost all tourists buy tea directly on a place of productions.

"Thus the Russian tourists – one of the most experienced judges of the Ceylon tea. As a souvenir Russians choose expensive orthodox teas (the classical teas made on ancient technologies). Today the grades of the Ceylon tea most popular with the Russian consumers are orthodox krupnolistovy and srednelistovy teas" — he noted.

B Sri Lanka visited 2017 more than 2,3 million tourists that is the highest rate for island history. It is 100 thousand more, than in 2016.