It designated new Zinedin Yazid Zidan, and now exclude from the demand for LCh

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Ilya Frolov
: Miguel Schincariol/Getty Image
History of the Brazilian talent of Ganso — by the way, the God son Neymar.

Cup-final Libertadores. June 23, 2011. In 90 minutes Edu Drasen's "Santos's" captain will lift over the head a trophy in the Pakaembu stadium bowl. Before he played three years in "Fenerbahçe" as a part of which became the champion Turkey. In general, Drasena not the only football player from this "Santos" who managed to play in Europe. Elano lit in "Miner", "Manchester by City" and "Galatasaray" is remembered also. Later from there will leave of Danilo known to us, Sandro Alex, Neymar and … Ganso .

the Brazilian halfback, transit through "São Paulo", the last of this companies got over in the Old World. In the summer of 2016 "Seville" declared signing with it five-year contracts, having paid €9,5 million. So "selesao" lost the next talented player. For Ganso's one and a half seasons held as a part of the Spanish club of only 18 games. Now the halfback precisely will not play addition to everything in the Champions League as "Seville" decided to move away the football player from the demand for spring part of tournament. In this regard Ganso also passed the first match about "Manchester United".

In other words, the club openly hinted that the Brazilian does not need services any more. And after all once to it prophesied the big future, considered more talented than Neymar and compared to Zinedine Zidane. Why so occurred?

Mother Maria

Enric Paulo Shagas Lima , in common people of Ganso , was born on October 12, 1989 in Ananindeua, State of Para. The player received the unusual nickname thanks to the club mascot always welcoming football players on trainings.

Since the childhood the Brazilian had problems with health and could not become the football player. By Ganso's career it is obliged to mother, Maria Kreuso's which made everything that he played soccer. The boy did not grow therefore she addressed to all doctors that they cured the son. Enric Paulo received medical treatment and it was extended to normal 184 centimeters.

By the way, Ganso often thanks supreme at once for three mothers. The first – its own. The second – the mother-in-law. The third – the spouse, presented to it two remarkable children.

Mother accompanied the son on all his games since the most early age. Once the destiny brought them on stadium of the football club "Paysandu", the most titled team State of Para. After a match Maria asked the management to show to young Ganso base of club.

"They were very good-natured and with pleasure carried out us on the possession. After that the head of team asked to come tomorrow. I agreed as always dreamed that sometime to my son will pay attention and he becomes a star of big soccer" — Maria Kreuso remembered.

Enric Paulo were signed Already next day by contract with "Paysandu". However stay in club caused more negative emotions in mother. The trainer started putting the guy who was a lefthander, on the right flank and by that, according to Maria, did not allow it to open the potential completely. Soon she started addressing in different clubs, having decided to transfer the son to other collective.

At last after long searches good luck smiled to

advised to send records with games of the son in "Santos". Mother without thoughts agreed. But, alas, the club was not impressed by actions of the young man. Then Giovanni offered other exit — a trip on live viewing.

Mother and the son went on an internal meeting on August 15, 2005, sincerely believing in success of visit. On Ganso's his results passed selection in "Santos's" school and got over to live to the new city together with Maria. And houses, in Ananindeua, remained the father, the brother and two sisters.

"I always thought if with soccer does not leave, I will give Enric Paulo to study as the doctor. Therefore I forced it to study, constantly to read books, but he liked to play soccer more. Played constantly. At us even in the house in kitchen under a ceiling the ball on which it fulfilled heading" was attached, – the father told.

Shared the memories and the sister Paula:

"Sometimes when to me happened boringly, I wanted to watch TV, but continuous knocks of a ball Enric Paulo about a wall of our house did not allow to have a rest quietly. Anybody was not angry with it as believed that future champion" grows.

Now parents of the football player with great pleasure look after the grandsons.

of the Photo: Alexandre Schneider/Getty Images

"Santos": from a trauma to triumph

the Beginning of the career for the young football player was given the extremely difficult. Having broken through in youth structure, Ganso suffered a serious injury and was compelled to remain without soccer for half a year. The debut in a basis took place on May 11, 2008, in that duel "Santos's" football players suffered guest defeat from "Flamengo" — 1:3.<"92>"

From the middle of the next season "goose" became the main player of the club, and by 2011 surely tried on on itself a role of one of leaders. The European grandees, however "Santos" started marrying off Ganso in many could not agree about the price for the halfback in any way so negotiations quickly came to an end. During this period experts often expressed opinion that it does not need to hurry and at once to pass into top club: the strong middling person of one of the championships will suffice also "the big five". They as in the future such "serednyachok" will crumple career of their talented fellow would know.

Anybody could not foresee it and occasions were not. The season-2011 as we already spoke, became the happiest for "Santos's" all fans. Their club conducted by the young leaders, the forward Neymar and the halfback Enric Paulo Ganso , after a 48-year pause achieved success in the most prestigious club tournament South America – the Cup Libertadores. Though experts noted "Santos's" weak game in the final, to players and fans was any more before. All city celebrated a victory. Rejoiced to success of team and its best-known player – Pelé's at which "Santos" won this trophy — in 1962 and 1963 twice. Plus to everything club same year could win the championship and the Cup Brazil.

of the Photo: Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images

Friendship with Neymar

After moving in "Santos" of Ganso behaved very modestly and long time with anybody did not communicate. Until then did not get acquainted yet with Neymar, the impudent hooligan and the terrible child. Such considered mother Enric Paulo the new friend of the son and was delighted not with such communication. Despite it, children really made friends. Neymar helped Ganso to join collective and to accustom to team. Over time guys of steel do not pour water.

"Is not present, we are not the best friends. We — brothers" — so spoke at that time to Ganso about the friendship with Neymar.

Since that moment "brothers" were all the time together, having hand in hand passed all stages of children's soccer and having got to a basis. Soon they developed into the real leaders of team, got to fall in love local fans and became a titbit for the press. But everything in this life has the end.

Between friends as if were run by a black cat. Neymar , caught attention of grandees of the European soccer that is called caught a star and started behaving differently. It was not pleasant to Ganso. He did not consider itself(himself) worse, than his team mate. Because of it the conflicts also started arising. As a result in 2012 their football roads dispersed: Enric Paulo, without having achieved from the management of increase of salaries, went to "San Enric Paulo". To Ganso's new club will give four years of career, having forever deleted the name from hearts of fans of "Santos".


Though to admit, there it too was good.

As for Neymar, their communication proceeds. It also could not stop completely, after all Ganso is the godfather of the son of attacking "PSG".

Well and, certainly, while Neymar played

, they could be crossed sometimes. Here, for example, a photo before a match of "Seville" and "Barcelona", ended with a victory of Catalans – 2:1.<"125>"

the Goose crystal

Unfortunately, one more subject for conversation on Ganso – frequent injuries. The guy catastrophically was not lucky throughout all career. As soon as it started gathering a form or received the solid offer from abroad, the destiny villain was sure to appear. At the mention of this football player the allegory with crystal arises at once: painfully often about Enric Paulo there were similar "adventures".

Being afraid of recurrence, clubs did not hurry to think of once again to try to get the football player. Even the Milan grandees hunting for it over a year from the moment of the final of KL-2011, with big caution studied the clinical record of Ganso. In five years in "Santos" it several times treated knees, had problems with a hip and a meniscus. Generally, the quantity and a variety of records in a medical record is immoderately great.

Now health of the halfback any more does not disturb, but career stopped. Probably, it is time to reflect on search of new club. Perhaps it is worth returning home?

of the Photo: Aitor Alcalde Colomer/Getty Images