ATTENTION! The forged stekloomyvayushchy liquid

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Administration of the municipal entity Timashevsky district reports that the Territorial department of Management Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare organized work on control behind safety to stekloomyvayushchy liquid and an assessment of the contents in it of methanol which is forbidden for use as raw materials in specified production. As of March, 2018 Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare is checked by territorial department of more than 50 objects enabling the realization of stekloomyvayushchy liquid in the subordinated territory. On 2 objects established facts of retail realization of stekloomyvayushchy liquid with the maintenance of methanol:
- nonfreezing T-34 liquid,-30 hail. With, production date 12.2015g. expiration date of 3 years, manufacturer of LLC "AMUR", Rostov region, x. Kalinin, Malygin St., 37. According to protocols of laboratory researches of the accredited laboratory Federal budget health care institution "Centre gigieny i epidemiologii v Moscow" the maintenance of methanol (mass fraction) in the selected test makes 0,44±0,04%, at admissible level of the maintenance of methanol in stekloomyvayushchy liquids no more than 0,05%;
- windscreen washer winter "Iceberg", - 30grad. With, TU 2384-001-62728284-2009, date of production of 12.2016 g, expiration date of 3 years, manufacturer of JSC Media Gross, Moscow, Solovyiny Drive, 28. The actual maintenance of methanol (mass fraction) in the selected test makes 0,5%, at admissible level of the maintenance of methanol in stekloomyvayushchy liquids no more than 0,05%.
Thus, above-mentioned stekloomyvayushchy liquids do not conform to requirements of safety and have to be withdrawn from a turn.
the Majority of winter stekloomyvayushchy liquids make of solutions of alcohols with water with addition of detergents, i.e. the surface-active substances (SAS), fragrances, dyes. In modern stekloomyvayushchy liquids use isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycols, ethylene glycols. Isopropyl alcohol is allowed for use by production stekloomyvayushchy liquids. It has the unpleasant, pungent smell reminding acetone which is difficult for interrupting even the concentrated fragrances, however this alcohol is not toxic for the person. It should be noted that stekloomyvayushchy liquids on a spirit basis contain not food alcohols and are unsuitable for the food purposes.
Illegal producers use methyl alcohol in screen wipers. Methyl alcohol possesses a slight smell, not distinguishable from ethyl (food) alcohol, is cheap and well clears glasses. However methyl alcohol (methanol) – the strong cumulative poison possessing directed action on nervous and vascular systems, optic nerves, a retina of eyes also is forbidden for use in means on care of motor transport.
Methyl alcohol can cause sharp poisonings with a deadly outcome at inhalation, absorption through the uninjured skin, swallowing; irritates mucous membranes of the top airways, eyes. Repeated long influence of methanol causes dizziness, pains in heart and a liver, leads to a neurasthenia, vegeto-vascular dystonia, sight deterioration, diseases of bodies of the gastrointestinal highway, the top airways, dermatitis. At intake the lethal dose of methanol for the person is equal 30 grams, but the serious poisoning, being accompanied a blindness, can be caused by 5-10 grams of substance.
of Stekloomyvayushchuyu liquid should be got only in the established places trades. Upon purchase of stekloomyvayushchy liquid it is necessary to pay attention to information on the retail container, taken out to a label which has to contain data on the producer with the indication of the address, production name, its appointment, structure, compliance to specifications according to which production is made, expiration dates, precautionary measures.
Territorial department of Management Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare recommends to motorists to show consideration for a choice of stekloomyvayushchy liquid.