Khvorostovsky Dimitri received the award BraVo posthumously
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Дмитрий Хворостовский удостоился премии BraVo посмертно
of a photo is provided by the media center of Ministry cultures Krasnoyarsk territory

the Last record of a baritone — Verdi's opera "Rigoletto" — became the winner of the I International professional musical award BraVo in the field of classical music. The winner in the nomination "Album of Year" Khvorostovsky Dimitri declared posthumously.

on March 11 in the Bolshoi theater in Moscow the BraVo award ceremony took place. The opera singer and the national actress Russian Federation Gerzmava Khibla became her owner for the best female vocal, and as the best man's vocal the bass of the opera singer, the soloist of the Maryinsky Theater Abdrazakov Ildar was recognized. The Perm MusicAeterna became the best orchestra, the best conductor too was from Perm — the art director Gkbuk "Permsky opera & ballet theater im. P. I. Chaykovskogo" Teodor Currentzis. The opera singer Netrebko Anna became "A world star".

of the Award handed over Stewart Rod, Karreras José, Kassel Vensan and other world celebrities.

the Nomination "Album of Year" devoted to Khvorostovsky Dimitri as a tribute and appreciation. The disk with record of the opera of Verdi "Rigoletto" performed by a baritone was let out after his death.

the Figurine "A classical album of year" in the Bolshoi theater were received by parents of the singer — Alexander and Lyudmila Hvorostovsky. The award to them was handed over by the member of Latin Grammy academy Fernando Castelar.

we Will remind

, the opera singer, the national actor Russian Federation Khvorostovsky Dimitri died on November 22 after a serious illness — a brain tumor; according to the will of the singer his body cremated and the part of ashes was buried in the hometown by Khvorostovsky Dimitri — Krasnoyarsk.