Today at the Ryazan radio plant told about work results in 2017 and prospects of developments the enterprises

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the Staff of the enterprise remembered the most hard time connected with "dashing the ninetieth"

– Defence industry is a mirror of all industry in our country. In the 90th plant survived difficult. Salary was low, on full capacity it was possible to dream of loading only. 2-3 days a week worked sometimes, looked for customers. Only gradual progress began with the middle of the 2000th to the best. Changes concerned not only plant, but also the industry as a whole, and all spheres of our life. Today we surely look forward, – workers speak.

Today's progress in development the enterprises they connect with existing strategy of developments Ryazan region and operating course of developments the countries.

Svetlana Serezhina, the deputy Regional Duma of Ryazan, – one of participants of social movement in support of an operating course of the president. It also highly appreciates strategy of developments Ryazan region. Svetlana Serezhina is sure, as the majority of our fellow citizens is approved as a whole going in the country and in society by processes, and that the success can achieve only combining efforts. This movement arose to Ryazan region even in the spring of last year when in labor collectives associations of not indifferent, initiative people suggesting the ways to change life to the best started being formed. Today movement unites thousands residents of Ryazan making the efforts for positive transformations in the most different spheres zhizni.