Oksana Fadina declared that women play an important role in city life

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Oksana Fadina declared that women play an important role in life of the city

Enkvist Sergei
the Mayor Oksana Fadina and with the speaker of the City Council Vladimir Korbut congratulated residents of Omsk on the International Women's Day and remembered the most outstanding of them.

of Inhabitants Omsk congratulated on the International Women's Day the mayor Oksana Fadina and the chairman of Town Council of Omsk Vladimir Korbut. In a congratulation, in particular, it is spoken:

- In Omsk there live beautiful, wise, strong, clever and hardworking women. They play an important role in all spheres of life: policy, municipal economy, education, culture, science. Gold letters in history of the city entered surnames of the academician Bisyarina Valentine, workers of Sibzavod Zueva Maria, teachers Dolmatova Catherina, the ballet master Tulupova Valentina and many other women, whose destiny is inseparably linked with our city.

regional information agency "Omsk-Inform"
Oksana Fadina and Vladimir Korbut noted that as well as a century ago, women are bereginyami, keepers of a home.

- the Female mother, the reliable girlfriend and the faithful wife was and remains a recognized symbol of traditional cultural and moral values. The care of children, grandsons, family — is work without days off and holidays, - city heads noted. - So let you are surrounded always by attention, love and care of the family. Happiness and wellbeing, good health, smiles and beauty to you!

Earlier Vladimir Korbut, congratulating female teachers, noticed that on March 8 is an and man's holiday because only this day men can tell gentle words to great ladies.

Oksana Fadina
Main activity:Official
Vladimir Korbut
Last position: Chairman (City council of the Omsky settlement)
Enkvist Sergei
Bisyarina Valentine
City council