Honourable citizens Kyzyl urged citizens to take active part in elections of President of the Russian Federation

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Honourable citizens of Kyzyl urged citizens to take active part in Russian presidential elections "Elections on March 18 — a voice for the country and republic future" — such is was the motto of the meeting organized by honourable citizens Kyzyl. It took place on March 2 in the assembly hall of Tuvinsky gosudarstvenny university, Tuvgu. Public men, activists, heads of the enterprises and the organizations, representatives of capital students and various diasporas responded to call of aksakals. In a format of a friendly chat the most dear citizens did not agitate for the specific candidate or political party. They urged to show activity and to come to presidential election.

Honourable citizens of Kyzyl urged citizens to take active part in Russian presidential elections Honourable citizens of Kyzyl Argina Pala, Shirshin Grigory, Kara Piece Choodu, Dydy Sotpa, Khuragan Yvan and Bayyr-ool Mongush urged citizens of all generations to treat elections seriously, to show activity and to exercise the right for participation in destiny of the state. Their address in the Tuva language Ivan Huragan , and in Russian — Argin Pal's read Khuragan Yvan

— We, inhabitants Kyzyl, the administrative, cultural and business center Tyva Republic, declare that we love the city! We work for the republic benefit, we are proud of our Homeland. We remember precepts of ancestors and we glorify their affairs. We care of the present and we create the future! We strong, hardworking, rich with soul and strong spirit people! Together we made a lot of things, and it is necessary even more! On March 18, 2018 the country elects the president. It is historical day. Day of a choice of our future! Our hospitable edge Honourable citizens of Kyzyl urged citizens to take active part in Russian presidential elections always was a unity and unity example. In it our force. In it basis of our progress and achievements! We — big solid and amicable team! Team great Russian Federation! Team native Tyva Republic! Team of the favourite city! As speak in the people if streamlets — the river and if people — force unite connect! We, irrespective of political views and preferences, will come on March 18 to polling stations and we will make the choice! As prompts heart as the reason orders!

the Patriarch of the Tuva journalism Kara Piece Choodu shared

the rich life experience of the voter. He remembered how more than 60 years ago for the first time participated in elections and never evaded from execution of the civic duty:

— Was it in 1954. Having reached majority, I with companions acquired the right for participation in further destiny of society and Honourable citizens of Kyzyl urged citizens to take active part in Russian presidential elections our great Homeland. All night long did not sleep before this disturbing step. I elegantly put on and was in high spirits, still, after all I go on elections. To the polling station with friends came zatemno, froze, long waited while it will open. At first passed old men and the most prominent fellow countrymen, and then and came. Since then I was lucky to participate in several hundred various elections. Each time approached to business responsibly and efficiently and I think, never was mistaken that and to you I wish.

the Eminent political and public figure Shirshin Grigory also called the senior generation and youth with honor to execute the civic duty:

— For us always elective day was business responsible and important. Between Kyzyl and areas of the republic passed secret competition, all aspired as it is possible to involve bigger number of voters in vote. Not to go on elections Honourable citizens of Kyzyl urged citizens to take active part in Russian presidential elections was a bad form. Sometimes people came on crutches or resorted on a site from a hospital bed. It is impossible to stand aside when the destiny of the Fatherland is decided.

From a youth wing of the Armenian diaspora Inna Kloyan , which acted as Kloyan Inna, urged all to take the most active part in elections of President of the Russian Federation:

— We love Russian Federation and our small, cozy, hospitable Tyva Republic. To us not all the same who becomes our leader. The main thing to decide on the candidate and to understand that at your look he has to make for power prosperity. It is necessary to make the choice to everyone. It is not necessary to leave on March 18 on the nature or to go on a visit, did not vote yet. Do not steal from itself opportunity to participate and influence political life of the country.

On behalf of students Pavel Nosov acted as Nosov Pawel

— Thanks to Internet about each candidate can learn a lot of things. To understand what he is a person, thoroughly to study his election program. It is important to see that a political situation now difficult, and we choose not only the president, but also the Supreme Commander. I think that it is impossible to say that on me depends nothing. Without me already whom it is necessary chose. It not so, everyone has to be responsible first of all for itself(himself), and even one voice can incline a bowl of scales in this or that party. The principle of democracy — is possibility of the citizen to influence a course of affairs in the country and to solve, for what leader to go to the future.