Officials of the city hall warned about legally competent residents of Saratov who will give to court because of changes on how many sidewalks

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Officials of the city hall warned about legally competent residents of Saratov who will file a lawsuit because of changes on how many sidewalks
© information agency "Versiya-Saratov"

"Idiotizm news agencies! It was clear that on Friday and Saturday snow will thaw, and on Monday there will be a frost. People broke feet, and only after that started cleaning. And that - as? Province of Lomami to hollow and spoil asphalt", – one of public men was indignant during today's discussion of a situation with snow-covered sidewalks and ice-covered roads in Saratov.

according to the chairman of Civic chamber Saratov region Ladno Alexander, the city has to sign contracts with management companies that those cleaned the yards.

"Nobody tells

that they cleaned carriageways, but sidewalks it is necessary. Businessmen clean. They for themselves do", – Lando noted.

the Acting as the chairman of committee of road economy, improvements and transports City administration Kuznetsov Sergei explained that with shops and offices work is conducted hard.

"We if will not take legislative measures, it will not work. Some clean and even help, and it is not necessary to another", – he added.

"They without equipment too will make nothing

. The administration has to help them, pay them", – Lando told.

"If will help to clean the yards, they will not manage to clean the city", – Kuznetsov Sergei answered.

"Sidewalks at us are never cleaned by

. We have central streets which clean first of all, but it is necessary to reach and Leninsky rayon, and to Solar. Especially when there are municipal accidents. I speak, send there all equipment for two-three days, clean everything and move further. Yes, the equipment does not suffice. People everything will be legally more competent each time, and those who will get to hospital with changes – will return to you with claims", – warned Lando.

Ladno Alexander
Kuznetsov Sergei
City administration
Government Agency