To Omsk region defined the best experts in the sphere of Household management company

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In anticipation of day of workers of municipal services of bathroom equipment, electro - and gas welders took part in competition of professional skill.

In anticipation of day of workers of municipal services of bathroom equipment, electro - and gas welders took part in competition professional skill.

on March 1 on the basis of Omsk college of professional technologies the 8th regional competition "The best by profession" took place. As organizers of competitions Ministry of Construction and Housing-Municipal Complex of the Omsk region together with Ministry educations Omsk region and SRO NP "Assistance to Development ZhKK" traditionally acts.

"Action takes place

on the eve of a professional holiday of workers of Household management company. To show the skill there come representatives of management companies and the enterprises - experts of those professions which are a basis for a municipal complex. To these actions a great interest show not only skilled workers, but also youth.

Main goals competitions "The best by profession" - increase of prestige of work of workers of ZhKK, preparation of young professional shots, formation of positive public opinion about working professions of a housing-and-municipal complex.

the professional knowledge and skills showed to

26 specialists of the city and regional enterprises of Household management company. Masters fought for a rank of the best gas welder, the electric welder and the plumber. At first contestants underwent testing of theoretical knowledge, and then in production laboratories of college showed skills of use of the modern welding and sanitary equipment. The jury estimated quality and time of performance of work, and also observance of rules of safety work.

Following the results of competitions winners were defined by


the First place in the nomination "The Best Electric Welder" occupied – Dyusenov Arman – JSC UK Partner-Garant;
second - Suleymenov Kuanysh – LLC "Yekaterinoslavskoye housing and public utilities establishment" Sherbakul district,
third – Khusainov Abylay - LLC "Yekaterinoslavskoye housing and public utilities establishment" Sherbakul district.
the Best plumber was Vitaly Nikolaevich Kokin - UK "Lotus";
the second place - Pestsov Vladimir - UK ZHKKH "Service";
third – Teterin Andrey – JSC ZhKO Zhil-Service.
the nomination "The Best Gas Welder" were won by Fadeev Eugenie - JSC UK Partner-Garant.
the Second place was taken by Zhavoronok Alexander - Production association Municipal economy Azov district;
Third – Lamonov Nicholas - UK ZHKKH "Service".

All contestants received nominal certificates of participants, and the experts who have taken prizes, - the invitation to the solemn meeting dated for a professional holiday which will take place on March 15 at Musical theater.

Vitaly Nikolaevich Kokin
Last position: The representative of the Norwegian oil and gas company Norsk Gidro on communications with the government and the industry
Dyusenov Arman
Suleymenov Kuanysh
Khusainov Abylay
Pestsov Vladimir