Cocktail from music, policy and soccer

@Murmanskij vestnik
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passed next "Barents-spektakl" In Kirkenes

the Text: Borisov Alexander

of the Photo: Fedoseev Leo
Under a rattling man's vocal soccer teams of girls from Murmansk CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL NO. 10 and Ser-Varangera passed
march, and then began game on the improvised field.
If the theater begins

with a hanger, the Barents-spektakl festival which the other day for the 14th time took place to Norway, Kirkenessky conference opened. Within three days some hundred participants: politicians, officials, authorities and businesses discussed to what Russian Federation and Norway came in 25 years of Barents cooperation.
As are declared by organizers of a festival, "Barents-spektakl" is a cultural and political cocktail in which the modern art and music, seminars and debate, literature and architecture, dance and the performance seasoned with hot topics of the North and the Barents region are combined. And Kirkenessky conference was created to recruit just politicians and the authorities in the cultural program ten years ago.
Among discussed subjects: "Steady growth of the industry of tourism", "An aquaculture by 2050", "Ecological approaches to technologies during production of mineral resources" and "Oil and gas activity". The point of view on "A strategic importance of Barents-regiona" the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated Norway to Eriksen Inna Sereyde Erickson. And the first deputy governor Murmansky of area Tyukavin Aleksey told about development the Kola Polar region and the international ecological projects realized in the territory of our region.
Now conference leads separate life, and as the art director of a festival Kuzovnikova Lyubov speaks, to some extent she became a competitor to "Barents-spektaklyu". Hotels of the small town are overflowed, and there are serious questions with placement of actors and the guests, arrived to plunge into informal whirlpool of multigenre performances and performances. And was to look at a festival that …

Instead of a ball - skulls of deer
this year Russian Federation hosts the FIFA World Cup. The most popular ball game became the main subject "Barents-spektaklya". "During a festival we will sing, sing and discuss soccer, to dance soccer and, at last, to play soccer... " - fair brochures of the forthcoming event said. So all also appeared. all Began br in the evening on February 21 on Kirkenes's central square after solemn speeches of the mayor of a commune of Ser-Varanger Rafaelsen Rune, the art director of a festival Kuzovnikova Lyubov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Norway Eriksen Inna Sereyde Erickson.
On an ice scene weighing more than hundred tons which is executed as the World Cup of FIFA, appears an indastrial-music legend - the Laibach collective founded in far 1980 in the small industrial Trbovlje, in Yugoslavia, nowadays it is Slovenia. Under a rattling man's vocal and bewitching female from Murmansk CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL NO. 10 and Ser-Varangera passed soccer teams of girls march, and then began game on the improvised field. Here only instead of a ball - a skull of deer, and game went on three parties.
- Between CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL NO. 10 and the Norwegian partners concluded some projects: these are traditional football tournaments which take place 2-3 times a year. Coordinators from the Northern Kingdom suggested us to play alternative tripartite soccer, and we agreed. To us sent rules, we approximate tried to represent something at ourselves at school to be trained. But the most unexpected was, of course, when us asked to take part in festival opening. We here went to play as game practice and when we were told about a festival is always necessary to sportswomen and that they still have to march - to dance... But with girls it is always simpler in this plan, all of them are actresses, and everything was pleasant to all. If it is honest, they were tired of preparation for this festival, there were many rehearsals - that everything in the opening day passed smoothly. However everything passed perfectly, children rejoiced, and to us too it is joyful for them, - the deputy director for teaching and educational work of CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL NO. 10 Makarevich Svetlana told us.

the Director of street opening - the Norwegian promoter Trovik Morten. It in August, 2015 organized two-day tours of "Laibach" in Pyongyang which became the first concerts of the western rock group in North Korea. The documentary film "Independence Day" which has recorded on a film this unique event, it was possible to see at a festival - next day after opening, before "Laibach" concert in Kirkenes's library.

"Laibach" - collective rather cult. It made huge influence, for example, on creativity of the German group "Rammstein" which in many respects has copied musical giving of Slovenian actors. The militarism and totalitarianism subjects which are permanently sounding in its songs, caused rejection from the power. As a result the group became very popular and in the homeland, and then and in Europe. "Laibach" repeatedly acted as br to Russian Federation. "Barents-spektakl" gave one more opportunity to the Russian public which arrived to Kirkenes, to hear disturbing anthems of legendary collective.
Tsoi Victor is eternal - a knife in a liver
In musical part of the program of this year besides "Laibach" public were waited for by a meeting with Petersburgers - "Tequilajazzz", Norwegians - "Ondt Blod" and "Datarock". Besides traditional habitual scenes an invariable counter of "Barents-spektaklya" - a final concert in the city pool. In last years on a "wet" platform Murmansk ska reggaes of THE JAHNGLE group and "Fc’Arony 3QSKA" acted. this year guests the group of our fellow countryman pleased Gladyshev Roman under the name "Grandmother's Dreams". I will separately note very non-standard Moscow band "the Division of the Name of my Grandmother Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner". 11 people - besides guitars a nice set of the most different tools. Bayan, saxophone, violin, glockenspiel, keyboard and still what the hell … Clockwork songs, the stunning female vocal strengthened by many-voiced background vocals, tremendous virtuosity and expression.
On rather big structure can compare them to "Leningrad", and on intelligent giving of a material - to "Auktsyon". Anyway "the Division of the Name of my Grandmother Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner" - the unique phenomenon on a domestic rock scene. Last year they participated in the We Left CINEMA project dated for the 55 anniversary Tsoi Victor. In it a cover album they brought new paints in the tsoyevsky song "We Want to Dance". When musicians declared this thing from a kirkenessky scene, from public chants "Tsoi Victor - the cowboy immediately departed, the person of a pavement" and "Tsoi Victor is eternal - a knife in a liver" which actively still use in the daily speech not only ordinary fans of "Cinema", but also, for example, Grebenshchikov Boris.

Is sorry that at work beer is impossible Nearly 200 participants of "Barents-spektaklya", infinite actions which go on different platforms, - whether it be debate to cafe or opening of exhibitions in order that all these diverse actions took place smoothly, support of volunteer assistants is necessary.
Volunteers on a festival different people, generally certainly, youth which wants to be copresent to an important cultural event go. Some are attracted by opportunity to listen alive to favourite actors and, for example, easily to drink with them a coffee cup behind a dessert during a dinner. Certainly, if there is the general subject for conversation.
Among volunteers not only Norwegians, were children from Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. Got to talking with the young people working in clothes, and learned that my jacket was hung up just by the Moscow students of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs diplomatic academy.
- We arrived here five together. Our classmate incidentally saw on Internet the announcement of a set of volunteers on a festival "Barents-spektakl-2018". We decided that it will be quite good chance to practise knowledge of Norwegian and to try a little unusual, non-standard business. We here week, and it is very interesting. Tried different possible professions: from the technician-zvukovika to the dishwasher. For people who study in the capital, for me, Moscow born and bred, it is cool. I delighted. From minuses, perhaps, only that when I at work, do not sell beer to me, it is impossible for volunteers, - the student Shatunovsky Konstantin - Byurno.

Budget a festival of this year - about 7 million Norwegian kroner, are 1 million dollars. And this sum enters not only week of the most cultural event, but also 11 months of preparation for it. After all as soon as the last scene is sorted and the last crumpled beer plastic glass, team of the Norwegian and Russian curators and producers "Girls on the bridge" is cleaned again start creating. That in a year once again to strike and force to think the come public.


It is published: Murmansk messenger of 01.03.2018

Borisov Alexander
Fedoseev Leo
Eriksen Inna
Sereyde Erickson
Tyukavin Aleksey