Inhabitants of Krylatskoye participated in competition patriotic posters

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to a family and children "Kutuzovsky" for the second time passed competition In the center of the social help posters "The defender Otechestva — a proud rank! ", dated for celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

the Purpose of carrying out competitions — this direction of children on creative advance, formation of a positive view of the country future through creative welfare activity; drawing attention of the nursery and teenage audience to uniting civil and patriotic ideas and positive symbols of the Homeland.

B competition drawing the organizations of a family support and the childhood Zapadny administrativny okrug Moscow took part. These are such Centers as TSSPSID "Crane", TSSPSID "Palette" and Mozhaysky branch, Tsspsid "Doveriye" Troparyovo-Nikulino branch, TTsSO "Mozhaisk" branch "Krylatskoye" and children from TSSPSID "Kutuzovsky". Judges were: the organizing committee competitions - STATE INDEPENDENT CULTURAL INSTITUTION MOSCOW "POKLONNAYA GORA" and Historical and ethnographic club "White Stone".

the Whole month there took place exhibition posters which became decoration of the Center. The jury estimated originality of disclosure of a subject, compliance of works to the declared subject, disclosure and understanding participants of a genre "poster".


After summing up, winners became known. Children from Krylatskoye branch of the center of social service "Mozhaisk" were among finalists and took the second place. We congratulate young artists and we wish them further creative success.