To residents of Kostroma suggested to make the Photo with a star

@MK.RU Kostroma
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The holiday of communication and creativity prepare for youth Kostroma region in day of presidential election. Young voters will have an opportunity to get acquainted and be photographed with stars. More than 20 known and megapopular residents of Kostroma are ready to communication.

of the Photo: Leshchinskaya Oksana

the New youth project "A photo with a star" will organize information portal of K1NEWS. On March 18 young leaders of public opinion will work at polling stations of Kostroma. Stars, and among them are successful businessmen, TV hosts, musicians and dancers, already achieved success, became experts, are able to open and advance the business, brightly represent the region at federal level.

"On an entrance to polling stations residents of Kostroma will see successful young people by whom you will not pass. They prepare bright programs and an interactive with voters. The youth will be able to make selfi with a star and to send a photo to ours competition", - the director of Main information portal of City Kostroma K1NEWS.RU Koretskaya Catherina told . Except acquaintance to a star the purpose of the project is the personal example of the youth leader and a civic stand.

Kolotushkin Nikita, head of regional office "Young guard" : "To us is very pleasant to participate in this project and to call young residents of Kostroma for participation in elections. The civic stand of our youth is very important. It is important that the person won fight against own indifference. Elections it is serious and responsible".


with a star will accept on competition on March 18 and 19. Vote will take place in social networks. Leaders of the project will determine by the greatest number of voices. Winners and participants are waited by good gifts. As learned "MK in Kostroma", the surprises prepare also stars.

Demidova Catherina, deputy. chairman of the Kostroma regional organization "Rossiysky Soyuz Molodezhi": as "Earlier always was considered that elections are a holiday. We want that this tradition remained and elections were festive, and for holidays it is accepted to give gifts. Our organization trains them much. On a photo with a star we too will carry out the internal competition and we will hand over to winners invitation cards on the first season games "Leagues of KVN Kostroma". Let's be glad to see everyone. Come - vote. We will try to create to you mood".

Zavyalova Natalia, the journalist conducting Russia TV companies : " We will participate team of "Teapots". Let's visit three polling stations. For us it is excellent opportunity not only to vote, but also to communicate to our TV viewers. By tradition of "Teapots" we will suit an interactive. Let's present mood to all residents of Kostroma who will come to polling stations" .

Information on stars (who where and in how many) it will be published on the website of organizers competitions "By a photo with a star", in social networks, at forums, in all mass media of the region. On March 18 participants competitions will be able to visit the Ipatyevsky Settlement art festival in "Caviar" within which known rock groups Kostroma and "Murakami" will act. The admission will be selfi with a star which will need to be shown instead of the ticket.

Leshchinskaya Oksana
Kolotushkin Nikita
Demidova Catherina
Zavyalova Natalia
Main activity:Science and education
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