The ethnic Kazakh for the fourth time won the championship Asia on fight for Uzbekistan

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In 2016 it took the third place at 2016 Summer Olympics.

the Uzbek fighter of the Greek-Roman style Elmurat Tasmuradov became the winner of the championship Asia which started today in Bishkek (on February 27 – on March 4, Kyrgyzstan). Final duel against the owner of a carpet Amatov Urmatbek came to the end with the score 5:0, and 26-year-old "classic" won against Vikram Kurade the previous fights from India – 8:0 and the Kazakhstan citizen Aynagulov Meyrambek – 12:0, the correspondent of reports.

As Azattyk writes

Radio , Elmurat Tasmuradov was born in the Bostandyksky area Province of Tashkent Uzbekistan. Since the childhood was engaged in fight section. After the termination of the 8th class (in the middle of the 2000th years) parents sent it to the historical homeland, to Kazakhstan. He studied at sports boarding school in Turkestan. Participated in competitions among juniors, representing Turkistan.

Elmurat Tasmuradov

Elmurat Tasmuradov/Foto of information agency "Reuters"

"When lived in Kazakhstan, I won several competitions. But me "squeezed out". To training collecting did not invite. There was no opportunity. I participated in the championship Kazakhstan among juniors, but lost. After loss understood that on training collecting the invitation I will not receive therefore returned to Uzbekistan, - Tasmuradov told. - In Uzbekistan to me created all conditions. Parents too there. I train according to a mode. Together with the national team I leave on educational and training collecting".

of the File of

Elmurat Tasmuradov, 26 years, Uzbekistan

of Achievement: the bronze prize-winner of the championship Asia among juniors (2011), the bronze prize-winner of the World Cup among juniors (2011), the silver prize-winner of the championship Asia (2012), the triple champion Asia (2013, 2014, 2015), the double bronze prize-winner of the World Cups (2013, 2014), the silver prize-winner of "the Golden Grand Prix" (2015), the bronze prize-winner of the Olympic Games (2016), the bronze prize-winner of Asian games in the closed rooms (2017). Master of sports of the international class. Honoured Master of Sports Uzbekistan.