Mass media: chapter of Ministry of Economics of the Republic Grechesk resigned
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the Minister of Economics and developments Greece Papadimitriu Dimitris resigned on Tuesday . About it information agency "Reuters" report.

"It led discussion with the prime minister [Alexis Tsipras] and told it that does it [retires ] because of a political resonance" — the representative of the ministry reported to agency. According to its information, the head of the government accepted resignation.

according to agency, on February 26 the spouse Papadimitriu Rania Antonopulu left from a division post of the head on fight against unemployment on a wave of negative public reaction to information that she received from the state of 23 thousand euros a subsidy for housing rent in gorod Afiny. Formally members of the government have the right for subsidies if do not live in gorod Afiny, however this news was painfully met by society in the conditions of an adverse economic situation in the country.


C of 2010 of the country of the eurozone and International Monetary Fund Greece according to programs of the financial help allocated credits honor on 250 billion euro. In August of the 2015th the third international program of crediting Greece by the European institutes at the rate to 86 billion euro was accepted. At that time the Greek debt exceeded 315 billion euro (175% of gross domestic product). According to the European Pact of stability and growth, the volume of sovereign debts the states of the eurozone should not exceed 60% of gross domestic product.