СМИ: Правительству Британии грозит отставка

В рядах правящей Консервативной партии Великобритании назрел раскол из-за отсутствия единой позиции по грядущему Brexit...
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Theresa May
Last position: The member of the House of Commons from Meydenkhed (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Karen Anne Bradley
Last position: Chairman of procedural committee (House of Commons United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Smith Julian
Conservative Party (UK)
Political ideology:Conservatism, British unionizm, economic liberalism, Euroscepticism.
Democratic Unionist Party
Political ideology:Unionizm (loyalizm), national conservatism, social conservatism, Euroscepticism.
"Sinn Féin"
Political ideology:Republicanism, democratic socialism, left nationalism, Euroscepticism.