In MO "City of Otradnoye" reported to inhabitants following the results of 2017 and set the new tasks

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On February 21 KTs "Fate" took place the expanded meeting took place following the results of social and economic development of MO "City of Otradnoye" for 2017 and to tasks for 2018.

In meeting took part: the head of department of department of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety of committee of a law and order and safety of the Government of LO Ayzenberg Valery , the deputy head of administration of the Kirovsky municipal district Leningrad region on safety Gavronov Sergei Leonidovich , the head of MO "City of Otradnoye" Mikhail Lagutenkov, , the head of administration of MO "City of Otradnoye" Letunovskaya Vera , and also veterans, deputies, the staff of city administration, heads of the enterprises and the organizations, representatives of political parties and the public.

Inhabitants of Otradnoye always were famous for the unindifference to hometown affairs. Here and this time the hall of the cultural center was full.

Expanded meeting were opened by the head of MO "City of Otradnoye" Mikhail Lagutenkov. It submitted the report on work of city council of deputies in 2017. In the report the head of MO emphasized that the Council of deputies of the city of Otradnoye effectively interacts both with city administration, and with regional bodies of MSU, and with regional legislative and executive power.


Further on consideration gathered the report on results of work of a city administration Otradnoye on socially – to economic development in 2017 and the main objectives for 2018 was submitted by the head of administration of MO "City of Otradnoye" Letunovskaya Vera .

we Will give some facts from life of Otradnoye in 2017.

the Turn of large and medium-sized enterprises of the city in 2017 made more than 20,2 billion rub that on 3,9 billion rubles or 24% are more than in 2016.

In Otradnoye in 2017 in five families twins were born

. In total in the city lives 146 large families.

Number of officially registered jobless residents – 16 people, the coefficient of intensity made 0,43 persons on 1 vacancy, that is the quantity of workplaces is much higher than unemployment rate.

Level of a salary exceeded last year's values. The greatest growth of a salary in processing production and in trade.

Plan assignments of city budget for 2017 taking into account the made changes made


- according to the income 208, 4 million rubles (growth in comparison with the 16th year made 107,3%)

- on expenses of 230,2 million rubles (that practically at the level of last year)

- deficiency 21, 8 million rubles. (deficiency reduction in comparison with the 16th year 44,7 %).

the Actual budget performance of the city settlement in 2017 according to the income made

207, 4 million rubles or 99,5%.

the Municipality Administration "City of Otradnoye" participates in various state programs Leningrad region who allow to receive additional resources in the budget for the solution of social and economic problems of the city.

So, in 2017 raised funds from budgets of other levels, including:

- on construction of an external network of the sewerage of the residential district "Aerogeodeziya"

- on infrastructure construction on the land plots provided to members of large families in μR. "Petrushinsky field"

- on implementation of road activity (repair is expensive);

- on ensuring payments of stimulating character to employees of cultural institutions

- on development of public infrastructure,

- on compensation of part of expenses for acquisition of municipal special equipment

B in the territory of the city realized 2017 5 municipal programs. The main directions were expenses on housing and communal services and the welfare sphere.

the Major task facing administration, is creation of comfortable conditions for population accommodation. In 2017 at the expense of means of budgets of area and the city repair of public roads of local value was carried out, works on repair of roads and domestic territories are carried out, repair of foot paths is executed, the main square of the city took a new, more finished form. Besides, in 2018 the city will take part in the federal program "Comfortable Environment". Preparation is begun in 2017. In the election day of the President of the Russian Federation residents will choose the public territory for improvement.

the Important event of 2017 became opening of a municipal intracity bus route No. 2.<"38>" Network

in the city shabby, demand replacement and considerable capital investments. In 2017 pipeline replacement from Gagarin St. to 4 Soviet prospectuses is made that allowed to improve a situation on water supply in the private sector, and also provided possibility of water supply of the residential district "Petrushinsky Field".

Separately Letunovskaya Vera told

about the maintenance of networks of external lighting along the regional route along the Neva River. According to the decision of Tosnensky city court Leningrad region the owner of the route – GKU "Lenavtodor" is obliged to restore lighting till April 01, 2018.

Administration continue active work on implementation of housing programmes. For 2017 10 apartments were provided to the needy citizens needing premises. In 2017 were settled 7 emergency houses located in the territory of the city. 19 families received well-planned housing in the new house on Pobedy St. 4 families improved living conditions by participation in federal and regional programs.

In the report the head of administration of Otradnoye emphasized that, speaking about figures and the indicators, new plans and projects, it is necessary to remember that behind them there are specific people with the problems and cares therefore, the assessment of activity of administration the population is the most valuable indicator. Letunovskaya Vera expressed gratitude to all public men of the city, heads of the enterprises and the organizations and not indifferent inhabitants for big collaboration.

Also during expanded meeting inhabitants could sound problems exciting them in the Question-answer format.

By a majority vote city administration work Otradnoye in 2017 is recognized udovletvoritelnoy.


Press-sluzhba the Kirovsky municipal district Leningrad region


of the Photo Yusubova Catherina