The chairman boards of directors IRIO took part in the IX International scientific and practical conference Modern economy: concepts and models of innovative developments"

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REU of a name of G. V. Plekhanov - at FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA", REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA opened on February 15 the IX International scientific and practical conference "Modern economy: concepts and models of innovative developments".

the Chairman boards of directors IRIO Youri Khokhlov acted as

as the moderator of plenary session "Calls digital economy: Russian Federation against universal tendencies".

Traditionally an event is dated for celebration of birthday of higher education institution to which this year 111 years are executed. And, as always, it is devoted to the most topical issues of developments modern Russian and world economy. On the agenda - calls digital economy and a role Russian Federation against universal tendencies. These questions brought together representatives practically all centers of scientific and educational community of the country, and also experts and legislators who are engaged in development this sphere.

University of a name of Plekhanov more than seriously considers questions of the of developments in this sphere of educations. Opening conference, the rector of REU Victor Ivanovich Grishin declared that at the last meeting of an academic council is decided to build up the case of digital technologies where will unite all who is engaged in this perspective - economists, specialists ICT, etc.

As are recognized by scientists and experts, the main calls in the sphere digital economy are problems of its transformation from conservative model to technological. As examples business models of such companies, as, for example, Uber and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd which are, in fact, digital platforms, instead of habitual model of the enterprises understand. Thus that capitalization businesses from it only grows. As the Russian example of companies, going on this way, speakers noted Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" and LLC "YANDEKS" in which development and the volume of introduction of digital technologies occurs in huge scales.

REU of a name of G. V. Plekhanov - Plenary session - Sokolov I.A. the Director FITS IU RAN, the research supervisor of the National center of digital economy Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University Igor Sokolov reminded that for Russian Federation digital economy - concept rather new, at us she officially "was born" on December 1, 2016 when the president signed Strategy of scientific and technological developments the countries, and in the message to Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation designated this sphere as priority. Though, of course, these technologies develop in our country not the first year. Except deeply scientific, they mention also spheres of everyday life of the person: for example, bank services, educations, transport. the vice-mayor told

O of the last Moscow on transport questions and developments road and transport infrastructure Liskutov Maxime. According to him, the Moscow transport system thanks to active introduction of digital technologies achieved the indicators comparable to the most advanced megalopolises. So, universal coverage of Wi-Fi in land and underground transport uses more than a half of passengers, and thanks to processing of Big Data the control system most accurately defines the movement schedule. the Chairman Council of the Federation Budget and Financial Markets Committee Sergei Nikolaevich Ryabukhin told

about legislative work in this sphere. Past year two basic documents are accepted, and in the current is planned to adopt 26 laws. They concern electronic tradings, Cryptocurrency, financial service, bank activity, details in state order and others. According to senator, in certain cases Russian Federation it is necessary to adopt models of foreign partners, but there are also directions, say, on mobile applications where Russian Federation itself is the leader. Here we by 2-3 times advance world practice.

It noted that in this work the Committee constantly cooperates with expert community, including, with specialists of Plekhanovsky university." From Plekhanovkaya at Committee traditionally kind, productive relations. And we not simply tell about the approaches in legislative providing economic innovations, but also we use their development. The rector, teachers, scientists of university often speak on our advisory councils, at Committee meeting, and even at Parliamentary hearings", - Sergei Nikolaevich Ryabukhin reported.

Youri Khokhlov
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors, head of Management of regional programs (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION IINFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE)
Victor Ivanovich Grishin
Main activity:Politician
Igor Sokolov
Sergei Nikolaevich Ryabukhin
Last position: First deputy chairman (Council of the Federation Budget and Financial Markets Committee)
Liskutov Maxime