To Italy do not exclude possibility of creation of the coalition government

@Parlamentskaja gazeta
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PHOTO: PIXABAY.COM B Italy actively discuss on March 4 prospects of creation of the coalition government at the head of which many would like to see the present prime minister of the country Paolo Gentiloni Silveri with approach of political elections. "Wide arrangements — Il Fatto Quotidiano writes, - are the scenario which Italy it is necessary to face in case on March 4 does not present to the country the majority, capable to create the government...
Matteo Renzi
Last position: Senator of Italy from Tuscany (Senate Italy)
Silvio Berlusconi
Main activity:Politician
Sergio Mattarella
Last position: President of the Republic of Italy (President Italy)
Paolo Gentiloni Silveri
Main activity:Politician
Emma Bonino
Last position: Senator (Senate Italy)
Liga Severa
Political ideology:Patan nationalism, national conservatism, regionalism, federalism, Euroscepticism, anti-globalism