Pikalyovo will hear a clang of delimbers

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Administration of the municipal entity Pikalyovo city of the Boksitogorsk district of the Leningrad region declared on February 21 electronic auction on rendering services on gardening and the content of green plantings in the territory. The initial price of auctions makes 2,2 million rubles. Funds are allocated from budgets municipal educations.

According to documentation, the performer has to provide care of 456 trees. Thus for trimming of dry branches it should use delimbers. It is also necessary to provide whitewashing of trunks. Besides, the winner auctions should watch a condition of Pikalyovo lawns and flower beds, and to destroy a cow-parsnip to ten addresses in the summer, to mow and clean a grass in the territory of a city cemetery.

auctions will define

of the Winner on March 5.