Pikalyovo Leningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe will include the central road to the Pikalyovo in the next plans for repair, today it is not in the best stateWe will include the central road to the Pikalyovo in the next plans for repair, today it is not in the best state8/26/2020Alexander DrozdenkoI went to Georgia, to relatives of the spouse. Went to cool places. It was short rest. Then returned to Russia, went to Pikalyovo, to the native land. Week spent with native and friends, and then arrived to Petersburg and prepared here6/22/2023Dmitry ChistyakovWe will include the central road to the Pikalyovo in the next plans for repair, today it is not in the best stateWe will include the central road to the Pikalyovo in the next plans for repair, today it is not in the best state8/26/2020Alexander DrozdenkoI went to Georgia, to relatives of the spouse. Went to cool places. It was short rest. Then returned to Russia, went to Pikalyovo, to the native land. Week spent with native and friends, and then arrived to Petersburg and prepared here6/22/2023Dmitry ChistyakovWe will include the central road to the Pikalyovo in the next plans for repair, today it is not in the best stateWe will include the central road to the Pikalyovo in the next plans for repair, today it is not in the best state8/26/2020Alexander Drozdenko1221Region News+3 last weekHead of administration since 2019Dmitry Nikolaevich SadovnikovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2019Dmitry Nikolaevich Sadovnikov98years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 192712:37:27 PMGMT+347RUS781366Dialing code135Connections+43 last weekPopulation20 498NewsConnections Tree
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