Fans from ZhDYa exchanged flags with Americans in Pyeongchang

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federal information portal "SakhaNews" . Residents of Yakutsk hotly support the Russian athletes at Winter Olympic Games 2018. On an awards ceremony of our skiers in go-ahead race the Yakut railroad workers got to lenses photo and video cameras, having developed the Russian flag with the name of the South Yakut Aldan. "After a match Russian Federation – United States of America (4:0) fans from two countries are photographed together and press hands. One man exchanged flags with the black American. It gave it a Star-Spangled Banner, and it - a banner " Iron Yakutia " are expensive to it , – wrote "Sportexpress" .

As reported federal information portal "SakhaNews" in road JSC <24> Iron <16> Sakha (Yakutia) Republic ", in the Olympic Pyeongchang now there are most active participants of the sporting events which are carrying out to companies. Thus the management and trade-union committee ZhDYa committee decided to encourage prize-winners of an intra corporate sports contest.

we Will remind

, the Engineering Case team became the winner of corporate sports contest ZhDYa in 2017, prize-winners – team of puteyets "Moderon" and the Locomotive team which has taken the second and third place respectively. From each team representatives were a part of delegation, among which senior safety engineer Yakupov Ilnur , the engineer of a communication service Ivanov Anatoly , the bridge master Ivanov Gavril , the driver of a locomotive Sidorov Kirill , the leading engineer of locomotive service, the chairman of JSC ZhDYa <6> sport committee Alexander Chuprov . With railroad workers the director of sport center "Locomotive" Rudakov Alexander also took off.

In December the road JSC <34> Iron <16> collective Sakha (Yakutia) Republic " joined a mass flashmob with a tag %23NoRussiaNoGames ("there is no Russian Federation – there are no Games") in support of the Russian Olympic team.

Earlier we reported

how Russian Federation at the Olympic Games-2018 inhabitants far ice cold Verkhoyansky ulus Sakha (Yakutia) Republic support the national team. The mayor Verkhoyansk Potapov Eugenie during speech of our figure skater Zagitova Aline vigorously hit into a tambourine, made certain magic actions, for what users of the Network took it for the shaman, the light-haired fellow standing near it played on a homus.
