Verkhoyansk Sakha Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIf in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation is declared. Plentiful rains there became the reason of lifting of water levels on the rivers Dulagalakh, Sartan and AdychaIf in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation is declared. Plentiful rains there became the reason of lifting of water levels on the rivers Dulagalakh, Sartan and Adycha7/10/2022Dmitry SadovnikovTonight held KChS meeting concerning a rain high water. If in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation] is declare7/10/2022Dmitry SadovnikovIf in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation is declared. Plentiful rains there became the reason of lifting of water levels on the rivers Dulagalakh, Sartan and AdychaIf in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation is declared. Plentiful rains there became the reason of lifting of water levels on the rivers Dulagalakh, Sartan and Adycha7/10/2022Dmitry SadovnikovTonight held KChS meeting concerning a rain high water. If in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation] is declare7/10/2022Dmitry SadovnikovIf in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation is declared. Plentiful rains there became the reason of lifting of water levels on the rivers Dulagalakh, Sartan and AdychaIf in the Kobyaysky area the situation is stabilized, in Verkhoyansk the mode of an emergency situation is declared. Plentiful rains there became the reason of lifting of water levels on the rivers Dulagalakh, Sartan and Adycha7/10/2022Dmitry Sadovnikov1240Region News+9 last weekHead since 2015Eugenie Aleksandrovich Potapov0Media ScoreHead since 2015Eugenie Aleksandrovich Potapov208years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 18177:25:32 AMGMT+1114RUS+741165Dialing code206Connections+114 last weekPopulation1 122NewsConnections Tree
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OtherВ Якутии с помощью народных дружинников выявлено более 1,3 тысяч административных правонарушений2/7/2025GeographyCompaniesPeople1.4 minSocial policyНа заседании комитета по Арктике обсудили ход реализации Инвестиционной программы в Арктической зоне республикиIt Tumen — the State Meeting of the Republic of Sakha2/5/2025CompaniesPeopleGeography11.6 minEcologyТЛЦ позволяют завозить в АЗРФ в Якутии до 400 наименований продуктов2/5/2025PeopleMediaGeography1.3 minHealthКумысный пьяница – иhээччи2/5/2025GeographyPeople4.9 minEcologyТЛЦ позволяют завозить в АЗРФ в Якутии до 400 наименований продуктов2/5/2025PeopleGeographyCompaniesMedia1.3 minEducationВ Якутии в 2025 году отремонтируют школу, педагогический колледж и коррекционную школу-интернат2/4/2025ProductsGeographyCompaniesPeople59 sec