"Yakutugol" puts on local shots

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of SakhaNews . JSC HK Yakutugol (enters into Mechel Group) realizes the project on a vocational education and employment of unoccupied citizens. Today the company is ready to provide near 100 vacancies.

The "Local Shots — in the Industry" project is realized together with Goskomzanyatosti within a regional state program "Assistance of employment of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 2012-2019".

"Yakutugol" offers employment to citizens with initial professional education, and also those who wishes to receive a profession. In the company there is an educational and course combine where for 2017 more than one thousand people were trained.

In "Yakutugol" attract as well students. In January being trained the 3rd and 4th courses of the Southern Yakut technological college offered employment in the company with combination of occupations and works. To try the hand on production eight students expressed desire. Today they work on Neryungrinsky and Mechel-Remservise coal mine. Among them one girl – the electric and gas welder of a neryungrinsky motor depot Gosteva Christina.

Similar conditions offered also to students of Technical institute (branch) of Northeast federal university. Children already passed training in the Yakutugol and Elgaugol companies.

"Is staked on local shots. The authorities of the republic are interested in that people did not leave, and had opportunity to realize themselves houses. It is also interesting to us to attract for work of people who live here therefore we gave for training all opportunities available for us" , – the director of management of mining assets of "UK Mechel-Mining" in Yakutia Khafizov Igor noted.

Igor Khafizov
Last position: Director general (LLC "Management company Mechel-Mayning")
Gosteva Christina