Nizhny in five minutes: the major in a week

@RBK Nizhnij Novgorod
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RBC Nizhny Veliky Novgorod made a selection of the most topical and readable news of week on February 12-16
of the Photo: Solunin Mikhail / RBC

To Nizhny Novgorod region will develop telemedicine and ambulance aircraft

B Nizhny Novgorod on Friday meeting groups of experts in the sphere of health care on which were discussed the provision of future strategy of developments the region till 2035 took place. As the press service of Oblastnoye government reports, among the main priorities experts called development telemedicine and sanitary aircraft, and also creation of "economical policlinics".

To Nizhny Novgorod region the pilot project in the sphere telemedicine are realized by city hospital No. 33 Nizhny Novgorod which doctors advise patients from Sharanga district, Shakhunya district and Vyksa district. It is supposed that over time access to Internet consultations will appear in all municipalities of the region.

the project of development Offered by experts sanitary aircraft assumes purchase these services from the federal budget on the terms of joint financing, and also construction of new helipads in the territory Nizhny Novgorod region. The project "Economical Policlinic" provides reduction of excess paper work in medical institutions, increase in time of personal contact of doctors with patients, and also creation of more comfortable conditions for visitors. Let's remind, Gleb Nikitin charged to regional Cabinet of Ministers to prepare a draft of strategy of developments the region by April.

the Nizhny Novgorod skater Voronina Natalia won bronze at Winter Olympic Games 2018

the Nizhny Novgorod skater Voronina Natalia on Friday won a bronze medal at a distance of 5000 m at the Olympic Games-2018 in the Korean Pyeongchang. First place was won by the Dutch sportswoman to Visser Esma, the triple Olympic champion from Czech Republic Sablikov Martin became the second, the conceded Visser Esma 1,62 sec.

the Medal Voronina Natalia became for Russian athletes of the third in a day at the Olympic Games. Earlier the skeleton racer Tregubov Nikita won silver, and the skier Spitsov Denise — bronze.

Golofastov Alexander will leave a post of the director Nizhny Novgorod deptransa

Golofastov Alexander will leave a post the department director transports and communications of Administration of Nizhny Novgorod, the mayor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov reported.

"Since February 27 this post will be held by the employee of Oblastnoye government" — he told

independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod", having promised to tell the name of this person later. By words Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov, the decision were made mutually, and the present head deptransa already wrote the resignation from a position at own will." Now we face the most serious call regarding creation of the scheme public transports which would be convenient and clear to inhabitants" — he reminded.

Golofastov Alexander headed department transports and communications in November, 2016. Before he was deputy director on safety Megapixel "Nizhegorodpassazhirautotrans".

the colony for the former judges and security officers will appear

To Nizhny Novgorod region

To Nizhny Novgorod region will create a colony for the former staff of courts and law-enforcement bodies, writes independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod" with reference to GU of Federal Penitentiary Service on the region.

According to information, the correctional facility will be created on the basis of existing IK-15 in Krasnye Baki district Nizhny Novgorod region. The establishment calculated on 317 people, will have the status of a colony of a high security. Reorganization of a colony it is planned to carry out during 2018.

the Court prolonged arrest to the ex-head Nizhny Novgorod to Oleg Sorokin till May 17

Regional court of Nizhny Novgorod left without change a measure of restraint to the ex-head Nizhny Novgorod, to the vice speaker Regionalny parlament to Oleg Sorokin, accused of receiving a bribe in especially large size. At meeting on Thursday court supported the petition of a consequence and prolonged the term of the maintenance of the official under guards till May 17.

according to a consequence, the spouse Oleg Sorokin Hellas Nagornaya Helena and his son, the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region Nikita Sorokin, are located abroad now. Also Oleg Sorokin Nagornaya Helena and the former deputy of chapter of Administration of Nizhny Novgorod Sergei Mikhaylovich Mironov, in the past working director general on construction LLC "Start-stroy" (enters into Garage cooperative "Stolitsa Nizhny", affiliated with Hellas Nagornaya Helena) went abroad the mother-in-law.

As well as at the previous meeting, Oleg Sorokin asked court to replace imprisonment with house arrest. The party of protection declared that Sorokin Vadim will not be able to leave borders of the country if a consequence files its international passport. At the same time the investigator reported about existence of established facts of pressure upon witnesses (besides Sadekov Mansur which indications became the basis for detentions Sorokin Vadim – an edition) however a detail did not begin to disclose, having declared that it is premature.

of Russia Baltic Pork Invest will be enclosed by 4 billion rubles in one more pig factory farm to Nizhny Novgorod region

the Norwegian Russia Baltic Pork Invest (RBPI) invests 4 billion rubles in pig factory farm construction on 180 thousand heads to Nizhny Novgorod region, the press service of Government regiona reports.

according to the acting vice governor Nizhny Novgorod region Eugenie Borisovich Lyulin, at the moment are selected a platform for implementation of the project." Sites in Sergach district, by Lyskovo district and Krasnooktyabrsky rayon" are considered, – he specified. Before RBPI already constructed large pig factory farm in Vad district Nizhny Novgorod region, besides, construction of one more in Bolshoe Murashkino district at the moment comes to the end.

of Work at stadium "Nizhny Novgorod" were in the home stretch


at stadium "Nizhny Novgorod" were in the home stretch , the first deputy head declared on Thursday Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation Stavitsky Leonid during meeting of the task working group on control behind realization of actions for completion of construction and commissioning of stadiums to 2018 FIFA World Cup.


At present at stadium main types of installation and construction works are complete: the device of the bases, monolithic ferroconcrete designs and a roof, connection to city networks water - and heat supplies. Also agrotechnological actions for preparation of a football field are in full complete. According to the press service of Oblpravitelstvo, preparation of executive documentation and signing by its all participants of construction is at the moment conducted.

B Nizhny Novgorod there took place a scientific and practical forum "Quality of OPK-2018"

In "Ankudinovk's" Nizhny Novgorod science and technology park on February 14-15 passed a scientific and practical forum "Quality of OPK-2018" in which opening on Wednesday the acting the governor Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin took part.

according to the head of the region, introduction on defense industry enterprises of new production technologies will allow to reduce costs at preservation of quality and to raise reserves to offer competitive production which will be in demand not only to Russian Federation, but also abroad." Control systems of quality which are developed and take root today — it is the transition driver to digital production, to the digital enterprise" — Gleb Nikitin at plenary session of a forum declared.

the Nizhny Novgorod hospital No. 33 will render medical aid to guests of 2018 FIFA World Cup

City hospital No. 33 Nizhny Novgorod is chosen as the main establishment for rendering medical care to guests of the FIFA World Cup, the press service of Government regiona reports. As the chief physician of hospital Zubeev Pawel told, now in establishment the equipment park is updated, the operational block is repaired, and also there is repair rooms and chambers.

the Obligatory requirement for medical staff which will work during the championship, becomes knowledge of English." For one experts will know only the main terms enough, for others — to be fluent in language" — Zubeev Pawel explained. According to him, rendering medical aid within 2018 FIFA World Cup will not prevent the current reception of residents of Nizhny Novgorod.

To Nizhny Novgorod region will hold new competition at the choice of the head of regional fund of overhaul

To Nizhny Novgorod region new jumping with at the choice of the head of fund of overhaul of apartment houses will be declared, the press service of Government regiona reports.

according to the Ministry of Energy and Household management company, for participation in the previous competition submitted 12 applications from candidates. On passing of three stages of competitions the winner Nikiforov Vladimir is recognized. However during meeting of a contest committee he wrote the declaration of abandonment to sign the labor contract. After that it was decided that before carrying out new competitive procedures Durdaev Gennady will fulfill duties of general directors fund.

Arbitration court of Nizhny Novgorod region refused to minority shareholders of GAS claim to Oleg Deripaska


Arbitration court of Nizhny Novgorod region refused to minority shareholders of PAO "Gorkovsky car factory" claim to the president of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZ" to Sorokin Vadim and to beneficiary companies to Oleg Deripaska, is reported in materials on an arbitration site.

the Statement of claim in September of last year were given by three registered on Cayman Islands fund under management Prosperity Capital Management Ltd (The Prosperity Cub Fund, The Prosperity Quest Fund and The Russian Prosperity Fund) which at that time possessed 6,86% in PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZ". Minority shareholders accused Oleg Deripaska of a conclusion of 11,45 billion rubles by means of the scheme of loans which were given out connected with the final beneficiary to the parties, and then are depreciated.

As daily business newspaper "RBK daily" representatives of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZ" last year reported to

, loans about which there is a speech, were not cancelled and will be extinguished after change of an economic situation. Making comments on the decision Arbitration court of Nizhny Novgorod region, representatives of companies reminded that Prosperity without results "attacks" GAS claims since 2013 that speaks about groundlessness of claims of fund.

JSC "Kofebuk" refused from contracts with Administration of Nizhny Novgorod

JSC Kofebuk

JSC "Kofebuk" refused from municipal contracts on catering services of official delegations in Nizhny Novgorod, the mayor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov reported at a briefing on Tuesday.

by words Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov, about results of competitions which was held by City administration, it learned from mass media." Today to this commercial organization, as well as to any other, I have no relation. Competition in which also participated "Feast" and "Merchant", JSC "Kofebuk" won automatically, having offered the smallest price" — the mayor reminded. Thus Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov noted that as current situation "casts a shadow" on him and on municipal employees, contract was terminated by agreement the parties.

Roman Antonov left Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region

of the Acting deputy governor Nizhny Novgorod region Roman Antonov since February 13 left Regionalnoye government. To fulfill duties of the deputy governor and will supervise the block of domestic policy Lyubarsky Roman, earlier renominated to a post of the minister of a domestic regional and municipal policy of the region.

Roman Antonov was approved by

Roman Antonov in November, 2015. On this post it replaced Potapov Sergei, retired in the same month.

Paper mill "Volga" and JSC INSURANCE COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY" signed agreements on restructuring of a debt

the Balakhna paper mill "Volga" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VOLGA", Nizhny Novgorod region) and Public joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company center I Privolzhya" signed settlement agreements about restructuring of debts, reported on Monday Regional ministry industries, trade and businesses.

According to information, agreements for a period of 7 years are approved by solutions of arbitration vessels, and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VOLGA" was released. Let's remind, debt the enterprises before power engineering specialists, including on decisions of the courts which did not enter validity, it is estimated at 1 billion rubles. Single payment is long actually would mean bankruptcy paper mill.

Oleg Deripaska
Main activity:Businessman
Gleb Nikitin
Last position: Governor (Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region)
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov
Last position: The special representative concerning development of the Arctic (State corporation "Rosatom")
Nikita Sorokin
Last position: Director of the department of sales, strategy and development (LLC "Ingradstroy")