- it is more than thefts, solvability - above. In Mines car stealings not elite brands became frequent

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- it is more than thefts, solvability - above. In Mines car stealings not elite brands became frequent

Unfortunately, still steal much, but in Mines solvability of thefts is higher than a regional average indicator. It is more, thanks to preventive actions of police officers, it is registered last year of street crimes. the 2018th in criminal statistics was marked out by growth of stealings – for the last 2 months 6 episodes are registered.

B the 2017th in Mines registered nearly 3210 crimes, over 2 thousand are opened – honor 200 more, than in the previous period. One more positive tendency remains in this statistics.

Fetisov Arthur, the chief of UMVD of Russian Federation on Shakhty: "Especially heavy... "

of Thefts became more, but also solvability of such crimes grew: the indicator on Mines - is more than 60%. It is higher, than on the average on area.

Fetisov Arthur: "On burglaries... "

of Crimes on streets and in public places also, alas, does not become less. Partly – due to the preventive actions which are carried out by police officers of the city. Fetisov Arthur: "It is connected with that... "

it is unconditional, "The safe city" helps with fight against street crime of police today. But when the program will earn in a full measure, joint efforts with Administration on providing a law and order will be much more effective.

Fetisov Arthur: "The most high-quality surveillance cameras are installed in the downtown. . "

Arthur Mikhaylovich Fetisov
Last position: Chief (Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Shakhty city)